Hearthstone - Eye for an Eye Meta

secret paladin in ashes of outland?

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ES_Wild Slide — Jules Gaia
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com


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33 thoughts on “Hearthstone — Eye for an Eye Meta

  1. That was lucky your opponent did weird play. But seriously, paladin needs better secret. Especially in the classic pack.

  2. Alright , so apparently using hero power to avoid Eye is not a thing .

  3. How do you think he felt when eye for an eye happened. My guess is suppose, pain, and facepalm

  4. No skill meta

    (Secret require no skill on grounds your opponent in lose lose no play around to them)

  5. Can you please change the song’s it gets repetitive while watching all the videos sorry if this sounds rude btw

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