Finally, a fun Hearthstone deck with cute animals.
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Professional nerd, mediocre comedian and expert non-content creator.
Hearthstone Fun Decks: Cute Animals Deck | WoWcrendor
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I was so happy when I saw you posted this
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what would he get if he had dinomancy and played a justicar trueheart? would it be give 4/4?
he used like one standard card Crendork.
I cant even with that second game…gets alleycat and ravesaur runt in opening hand, easiest turn 1 and turn 2 out there…but doesn't feel like putting alleycat down…I don't even play this game and my butthole clenched so hard I cant sit right.
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Crendor, I love watching your videos they always make me laugh. Thank you for you content
crendor u should make a deck about gettinh rat pack as big abd fat as possible and flood the board with rats
yes. perfect acid video me!
Rats Are NOT Cute!!!!
Syzlor is such a scrub. They should stick to standard or leave.
Hooray for fun decks 😀 go crendor!
yay, rats are cute <3
All Deathrattle? 😀
Never seen so much horrible plays in my life, but hey it's only Crendor!
A comment from below.
You should have put in hobgoblin
These videos are so much better with the Siren battle music from Darkest Dungeon playing in the background
When there's a cute animals deck, there should also be a sexy deck. Every card has to have abs or … "lots of personality".
no weasel in hat?
19:39. The valiant knights of storm wind are led by their commander to explore new territory and expand storm wind. The animals are led by a nature man who is going to send them out into battle and buff them to defend their land. Does this sound interesting like the plot to a movie? I got this idea from looking at the video at 19:39.
Make this into a short film.
"Some people like playing with bad cards."
-Ben Brode
Secret paladin is wild…
Challenge: Try a clone army mage deck 😀
I too, hate when people play piloted shredder in literally the only place people can play piloted shredder.
Crendor plays a standard deck in Wild, while complaining about a secret paladin playing in Wild, which it has to. Makes sense. Also, PLAY YOUR CARDS Crendor, please.
is this hearthstone for slow people ???
"This guy's playing a standard deck!" he says as his opponent has a Mysterious Challenger out on the board.
English is not a phonetic language. Also that sound the rats make when atracking triggers me.
Those rats were the best, and they actually look really nice with the gold card.
RATIMUS PRIME !!!!!!!!!!!!
You are the most frustrating person to watch play ever
wow that dinomancy spell seems like so much fun to play with