Hearthstone Fun Decks: Warrior Discover Deck | WoWcrendor

Trying a discover warrior deck in Hearthstone, based around Explore Un’Goro
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Hearthstone Fun Decks: Warrior Discover Deck | WoWcrendor



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45 thoughts on “Hearthstone Fun Decks: Warrior Discover Deck | WoWcrendor

  1. There are times when I want to run into Crendor during hearthstone so I can just spam well played and wow to him

  2. Wooo all misplays are forgiven because you're the first hs player I've seen to pronounce ichor correctly.

  3. i have an idea do a deck where you buff and help the oponents cards and minions like a friendly deck

  4. READ YOUR FREAKING CARDS. Misplaying is one thing, everyone will do it even though you do it far more than the average player, but why can you just not read the text on the cards? If you're going to sit there and rope at least spend the time to actually read the things you're roping for.

  5. Whether you're drawing, discovering or stealing a card your first move in a turn should always be seeing that new card.

  6. Crendor, make a deck that forces the enemy to draw too many cards until they die.

  7. crendog you sound like you could do throat singing like the dudes in mongolia do 😮

  8. Crendor is playing a different game than everyone else. He made a deck centered around the thing that his viewers dread the most: Him making decisions in Hearthstone. This gives him infinite opportunities to make bad choices, leading us to comment on it. More comments means more visibility for the video, which leads to more views, and more comments, and even more visibility. And every one of those views means more money.

    We play Hearthstone. He plays us.

  9. Make a deck focused on a stoneskin gargoyle and just try to buff its health and damage so it doesn't die. Of course you will have to make it immune to spells as well.

  10. Its not technically discover but i would include both copies of elise. The pack is sort of like discovering shit in the sense that you just acquire a bunch of cards from the pack and they both add cards to the deck which in turn adds more discovery to the deck when you convert them.

  11. Should totally run Yogg and Malchezar in this deck… If you have Yogg in hand when you cast explore he gets huge 😀 And Malch just gets you 5 more cards (although he does slightly reduce the chance of drawing explore.

  12. Says his last game of the video was a "well played game" and I'm thinking "not by you." lol

  13. Its just a game, but man is it frustrating to watch you mess up cards that have been in the game for months now

  14. How could you make Explore Ungoro good? Make it so it gives you the option to draw a card along with the discover?

  15. pro tip: play cards that have card advantage before playing a non-card advantage card if your going to play it anyways.
    For example turn ten you play "soggoth the slitherer" and then "Choose your path", try to do it the other way around 🙂

  16. am i losing my mind or were all these tortollan cards in the game before bfa was even out for wow? wtf is up with that

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