Hearthstone: Funny and Lucky Moments Ep.1542
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ES_Only Jokin’ — Got Jax
ES_Be Nice Twice — Mac Taboel
ES_Late Night Martini — Glove Box
ES_Love in Motion — Kick Castle
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)
00:00 — Intro
00:29 — Moments
10:11 — Outro
(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:
◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
2:52 just a random thought but does Nosferatu look a little like handsome squidward?
Get flexed on solem
Corrosive breath is my favorite common card because of the design and it can compliment Face Hunter
Nice FLEX, Mr Editor… Nice FLEX!
Puzzle box/solarion prime gets played
Casters: "Omg!! What the hell is happening!! Wtf!!!"
Comment Question: which card do u think should be removed?
10:05 Daaaaaaamn Mr. Editor those are some nice skills! Got any other pen tricks? 🙂
My favorite common is the Azure Explorer, a Mage common from Descent of Dragons. It's tiny, cute, and sometimes unleashes terrifying dragons on the game.
As a side note, thanks to you guys for doing these Daily Moments. You do these episodes well, and it has helped me make it through surgery and recovery without losing my mind.
best common…. the god killer himself, TINYFIN
Half bear, half shark, ALL Bearshark
I'm ok with many things, but this at 2:03… Makes me crazy! Why he used spell instead of ping?
Why there no explanation tittle no more.? Think they're funny
Nailed it 😀
That worgen looks like hes got a thorn in a footpad.
Bronze Herald gotta be my favourite common card because value
New guy with beard looks prety cool.More videos of him in future??
Comment Question: What do people think of the title changes on the videos?
Can I appear in the video too?
Pharaoh Cat is my favorite, i love it
Rko from mr.editor
favorite common card is blink fox. part of it is that tess rogue is one of my favorite decks and the other is that gold art is really nice
That guys comment about halving the effects of each current hero power makes the 1 mana paladin hero power to summon a .5/.5 minion., Mage to deal .5 damage, shaman to do something?, Druid gaining .5 attack and .5 armor. Makes sense
The editor is a man of wonders!
Weird flex editor but ok
My favorite common has to be stone hill defender, he stands tall and demands that people leave his jungle
Wow I didn't know he could cast rod of roasting in standard 4:00
Mistress of Mixtures is mine. She's a great unit overall for one cost AND she heals you. Plus game gave three of her golden to me in the monthly chests.
My fav common card is ooze…can even detroys a legis card with 2 mana only…
This nostalgia clip was a huge idea, love it. Can the next one be Toast? I miss him so much:(
Swashburglar , 1 mana 1 /1 with rng of 60 % of time works everytime , honorable mention to Sorcerer's Apprentice , great video !
As an aggro hater my love ziliax was the best common card :>
p.s nostalgia clip
Chat: Does christina goes out at work while you stay at home playing a child card game?
Savjz: Damn right!
I always loved that clip
Favorite common card: Boulderfist oger. Good stats for the cost.
Solem just got SERVED! And you know what that means. It's on.
That flex at the end there was perfect 😂
My favourite is twin tyrant
In terms of gameplay, seance
In terms of art style, snowflipper penguin
Because i have both in golden, first gives me good golden cards, and second is just so chill surfing on his ice board
Mr. Editor, that pen trick was really sick. Well played Sir.
Tinyfin always in our hearts, super balanced card
Nicea editor
Whisp is my favourite common card 🙂