This is how I beat the Lich King with a standard deck since I no longer have any wild cards, hope you can use it as a reference in order to beat him. Deck may not be optimized.
Así es como le gané al Lich King usando un deck standard dado que ya no tengo cartas de wild, espero puedan usarlo como referencia y así le puedan ganar. El deck puede no estar optimizado.
Here is the decklist in case you want to use it:
(Aquí está el deck en caso que lo quieran usar)
Deck creator:
Si tienen alguna sugerencia son bien aceptadas, gracias por ver el video y si te gustó dale Like y suscríbete! No cuesta nada pero me motiva a hacer más videos. 🙂
I did it with -Turn 2: Gastropod -Turn 3: Alarm-o-bot …and i filled my deck with 28 big creatures and i played Alarm-o-bot over and over again 😀 I reached a point when i had like 6 big minion and i did like 35 dmg/turn. #easy
why is this so hard haha maybe i just suck :/
god i did it haha ty <3
Very helpful videos, especially this one, i just had no chance with my own warrior decks. I didn't immediately win with this one but it was actually pretty fun even if i just won after like 10 games. Milled the Shit out of the lich king 😀
Thanks !
this crap is giving me a headache….fighting LK over and over and over with the same class
This was so helpful thank you I disenchanted all my wild cards as well
Gracias por el mazo. Dejo mi modificación, ya que carecía de algunas cartas 🙂 Logré sacar a Arthas.
### GuerreroDK
# Clase: Guerrero
# Formato: Estándar
# Año del Mamut
# 1x (1) Piel de acero
# 2x (1) Portaescudos
# 2x (1) Torbellino
# 2x (2) Abogado de oficio
# 1x (2) Acaparador de botín
# 2x (2) Embate
# 2x (2) Forjadora de armaduras
# 2x (2) Grito de orden
# 2x (2) Ira de batalla
# 2x (2) Mano del muerto
# 2x (3) Acólito de dolor
# 2x (3) Bloquear con escudo
# 1x (3) Guerreros de sangre
# 2x (3) Oráculo Luz Fría
# 1x (3) Protector Rocafuego
# 2x (4) Celador Mogu'shan
# 2x (5) Camorra
# Para usar este mazo, cópialo en el portapapeles y crea un mazo nuevo en Hearthstone.
Worked on 2nd try, thank you so much!
i dont have brawl
Can someone please help me and explain this more in detail. . .?
Yea i did it with this deck on 1st try. PERFECT WAY TO KICK LK'S ASS ty bro 😀
dios santo, despues de estar 4 putas horas con el deck del robot por fin gane con esta maravilla en 30 mins, me suscribo loko :'D
The alarm-o-bot method didn't work for me, and I couldn't use the kelthuzad method because I disenchanted all my wild cards when standard came out. This worked for me on my first try
thank u a lot, 2nd try cause i failed 1st by myself
Ty man, i try every decks on internet and yours was only i did.
What a disgusting friend you have…poking his nose and face hair all the time :):):)
First try….epic idea!! Thx manonly Paladin left for me; This is the real deal you guys
if i had a computer brain maybe i would register this high speed play. it might have been worthwhile otherwise. and i nearly pressed the subscribe button.
on 3rd try i got this. you have to think your plays nearly every turn but thats funny 🙂 thanks for sharing. still working on March 2018
Standard my ass