Hearthstone: Icecrown Citadel (Knights of the Frozen Throne) battlefield/game board effects

Knights of the Frozen Throne is the sixth expansion to Hearthstone. It is set in the frozen wastes of Northrend and the frigid halls of Icecrown Citadel, the greatest fortress of the Scourge and the last bastion of the dread Lich King.

This battlefield was designed after the Hearthstone developer team heard Dave Kosak’s description of how the Lich King should be characterized in Knights of the Frozen Throne, and is based around the idea of the Lich King commissioning his minions to create a game board for him. The frost wyrm is a reference to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King opening cinematic, in which Arthas raises the long-dead dragon Sindragosa into undeath from her resting place beneath the ice. The ice sculpture was added to offset the dark fantasy of the expansion with a comical Hearthstone twist.

The top left corner features a frost wyrm — a skeletal, undead dragon — partially frozen in the ice. The bottom left includes what appear to be an iron brazier with large coals. The top left features an imposing rampart while the bottom right corner features a large chunk of ice accompanied by a hammer and chisel.

* Icicles and snow are clickable in most places. Repeatedly clicking icicles will trigger a brief glow effect.
* The ice block in the bottom right corner can be interacted with to allow the player to create their own ice sculpture. There are four sculptures that can be created by clicking on the ice block: The Lich King’s head/ helmet, the Hearthstone logo, a Murloc frozen in ice, and a cup of liquid. Long-pressing the sculpture restores it back to the original ice-block form.
* In the bottom left corner, the coals in the brazier can be clicked to ignite them. The flames can burn with red/blue/green fire. Igniting the brazier also activates the runes in the circle to its right. Clicking the rune repeatedly results in a light ring being released.
* Repeatedly clicking on the frost wyrm»s skull on the top left releases cold air from the cave below.
* Repeatedly clicking the icicle next to the skull will result in a large chunk falling off.
* The wyrm’s bony tail and claw are clickable.
* The «fangs» at the top of the cave fall off when repeatedly clicked.
* Clicking the icicle near the cave’s entrance repeatedly will trigger a brief gust of wind from within the cave.
* Holding down the chain in the top right corner will pull it and cause the door to open, releasing cold air from inside.
* The chain can also be jangled by holding it for a very short time.
* One of the pointed rocks near the door can be broken off through repeated clicking.


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12 thoughts on “Hearthstone: Icecrown Citadel (Knights of the Frozen Throne) battlefield/game board effects

  1. 0:25 Im not 100% sure, but if there is a lich king in the board, the ice forms a lich kings head instead of a cup.

  2. This is actually a great video. Many hearthstone players who play mostly on mobile won't get to experience the full glory of these maps, so thank you for uploading this.

  3. This isnt all, you can hover som cards over the iceblock and something will happen

  4. There is one more in the bottom right corner. If you click on the shaft of the hammer, you can move both, the hammer and the pick. But I dont think that does anything special…

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