Hearthstone Mythbusters 98 | ASHES OF OUTLAND SPECIAL

Hearthstone Mythbusters 98!

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If you have any myths you want tested please suggest them in the comments!

▶Follow my Twitch: https://twitch.tv/hysteriahs
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▶Hearthstone Mythbusters Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVfwI-e7kkI&list=PLvwr4Qmw5uWF8P42RyyfruU-nNJ1YsTdg

Lemonfade — Broke For Free
Hearthstone 8 bit — https://youtu.be/y6HfWeyu-30


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32 thoughts on “Hearthstone Mythbusters 98 | ASHES OF OUTLAND SPECIAL

  1. At 3:30, I feel the Mo'arg interaction is set up to test the wrong thing. Each Mo'arg only has 1 hp, so rolling fireball only deals 1 to each, but then they take 32x because of their aura. What you really should be testing is whether the rollover damage keeps getting doubled. For example:Board filled with 4 hp minions, one of which is Mo'arg. You'd expect the fireball to deal 4×2=8 damage to the first and second minion only. If the rollover damage keeps doubling for each minon you'd get a full board clear.
    Anyways, love the series and I hope you keep it up 🙂

  2. An interaction I'd love to see is if the warrior's prime works with the spell that gives it cleave.

  3. That Bogspine Knuckes/Explosive Trap interaction makes absolutely no sense 😂 Knuckles says "AFTER your hero attacks," while Explosive Trap says "WHEN your hero is attacked," so Explosive Trap's effect, including killing the damaged creatures, should resolve before the Knuckles ability right?

    And even if they were both "after" effects, it's pretty unintuitive for there to be no space between the two effects for the minions to die.

    The inner MTG judge in me is screaming right now lol

  4. The last one makes NO SENSE. It should have RUSH and it should not become a 1 mana minion. This is definitely a bug.

  5. 3:41 I think the rolling fireball myth might actually be true, there's just a set cap on how many times you can increase the damage by. Rolling fireball does 8 normally. There are 5 artificiers on board, but the multiplier only goes up twice (8-16-32) and caps there. Perhaps rolling fireball could still increase?

  6. The dormant minion thing is something else meanwhile the Boggspine Knuckles one could be useful in a real game.

  7. Challenge: get that dormant Magtheridon back in your hand, have the opponent play/resurrect 3 warders and then destroy them — can you awaken Magtheridon in hand AND destroy all minions?

  8. 02:58 the Knuckels interaction is actually unexpected. The exploisve trap says „deal 2 damage, when your hero is attacked“, so the damage is dealt while the attack is happening. The knuckles trigger after the attack when the minions shuld be dead already.

  9. when you have a sword of justice and play a dorment minion you will lose durability but wont buff it

  10. Blizzard changes Illidan/Xavius interaction.

    HysteriA uses Strength in Numbers.

    Blizzard: Wait. That's illegal.

  11. have you ever tried to kill a jaraxxus on board with the effect of flik skyshiv while one of the heroes is jaraxxus? would it kill the hero and end the game?
    thanks a lot

  12. Myth : when a friendly minion attacks your with misdirection while your hero holds a toxicity weapon, the minion dies.

  13. So if a dormant card in hand doesn’t count as a card, then you probably can have 11 cards in hand with it. But what happens when it awakes while you have 11 cards in hand?

  14. Myth: if you cast charge! on Immortal Prelate, when it does and is summoned again, it can go face

  15. It is a weird bug out there for pirate warrior !!
    If he plays 1/2 pirate and I take damage to it and he’s 1/1 now.
    If he plays 3/3 ( your pirates have now +1/+1)

    The 1/1 pirate will go 2/3 !!!
    It’s not correct, should go 2/2 as he’s damaged !!

    Blizzard fix this !! Try it out 🙁

  16. Playing against daemon hunter with Aldrachi Warblades equpied. I played unseen saboteur which casted Chaos Strike, then attacked with all my minions. I discowered to late, that I almost killed all my units, and fully healed him 🙁

  17. Might interest you to know this for a future mythbusters video. If you complete the shaman quest by playing a grizzled wizard, the quest ability trades to the opponent and you get the totem ability back. It cost me a game when I didn’t realize I had set up that combination

  18. Myth: if a minion with poison damages a minion next to snapjaw shellfighter(and therefore shellfighter itself), shellfighter will die.

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