Hearthstone - Nobody Expects the Highlander Quest Embiggen Dragon Ramp Druid

Nobody Expects the Highlander Quest Embiggen Dragon Ramp Druid

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ES_Dangerous Fling — Alexandra Woodward
ES_Gotta Get Back — Guy Trevino and Friends
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com

other music:
Jazz In Paris


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24 thoughts on “Hearthstone — Nobody Expects the Highlander Quest Embiggen Dragon Ramp Druid

  1. I still ask where is odd quest Galvadon highlander secret otk 4 horsemen Tiger dragon murloc libram control paladin

  2. This might be the first time when you are actualy right with nobody excpect

  3. Counted like 17 misplays from both sides total.
    Good deck still, just replace questing explorer, pretty useless.

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