Hearthstone Science: Fatigue Damage Overflow

After seeing Disguised Toast’s 1 million damage hero power, we decided to see if you could do more than 2^31 (2 billion and some change) damage with the Cursed Blade/Garrosh bug. We don’t believe this has been possible before this bug and may not be possible after it is fixed.

Explanation: The minimum health a hero can have is -2^31 (-2.14 billion) due to the nature of 32 bit signed integers. After the second fatigue card was drawn, Garrosh had less than that number, which caused it to overflow and become a large positive number (1.27 billion here). The game will cap the health at 30, so the large positive number is changed to 30.

Disguised Toast’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvGw9CVwWBA

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/7thAce


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5 thoughts on “Hearthstone Science: Fatigue Damage Overflow

  1. '' We don't believe this has been possible before this bug and may not be possible after it is fixed." It will still be possible: Have an Auchenai Soulpriest and two Lifesteal minions with 2^31-1 attack. Attack into Misdirection and have them hit each other.

  2. I made a vid where I hit myself with 171 billion dmg once, and it only showed '134607104'. So yeah, can confirm that Hearthstone can't handle 'big numbers'

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