(Ashes of Outland Standard) Singleton Spell Shaman VS Priest
Deck Code: AAECAaoIHvkDgQT1BP4F/wWyBo0IrZEDipQDuZkDxZkDpaED/KMD4aUDhKcDkKcDu60DgbEDkbED27IDhLYD5rcD27gDk7kDl7kDmLkD5b4D5r4Dk8IDw8wDAAA=
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Music: Piano Sonata no. 19 in C minor, D. 958 by Schubert, performed by Paul Pitman
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0:07 Skipperino Kiblerino
Last time I was this early, I was in the hospital and my mother was pregnant. (First comment btw)
Name was edited not the comment.
Cool beans
Why do some idiots call these decks singleton while some normal people call them Highlander?
anybody else want the game volume to be higher?
time for a haircut and a shave man, beard seems to cause u too much irritation. It gets less annoying then as it grows out then it will curl back in and get a lot more annoying then it will get better again then it will start trying to tango with nose hairs and get into your mouth. I managed to get past most of this.
If you don't want to cut your hair re color it all to silver embrace it man we are all getting older.
My dad has less grey hair than me and I'm still half his age.
Ah, the famous "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" card has returned.
This shammy deck has to be one of Kibler's best deck ideas. Its so satisfying to watch. Wish I could build it, but would just get frustrated.
Too sooon, Antonidas, you appeared here too soon.
Does he mean the Caster Captian Flowers from LCS?
10:16 "Did you not have Dragonqueen Alexstraza?"
I'm guessing he did until the patch dropped and he turned it into 1600 dust. Probably followed the advice of "always dust nerfed cards, you can always craft it again later if you need it" and felt like it'd be stupid to immediately recraft it, so he just left it out.