Tier 1:
Tempo Demon Hunter: AAECAea5AwTMugPDvAPaxgPVyAMN/acD+a4Di7oD17sDxLwD4LwD1r4DusYDx8YD2cYD98gD+cgD/sgDAA==
Egg Warrior: AAECAQcEHNIC3q0D1LoDDRaQA9QE1Ai9pgP1qAPcqQPdrQOktgOrtgO7uQPAuQOcuwMA
Bomb Warrior: AAECAQcG0gKblAPerQPfrQO+uQP2wgMMS5ADogTUBP8HmpQD3a0DpLYDq7YDuLkDwLkDnLsDAA==
Tier 2:
Highlander Hunter:
Galakrond Stealth Rogue: AAECAaIHCLICr5EDkpcDwa4Dqq8D47QD0rkDy8ADC7QB7QKIB4+XA/WnA7muA/6uA86vA5u2A7m4A8+5AwA=
Spell Druid: AAECAZICBLQDxQTinwP2rQMNQP4B0wPEBrmUA9ulA/2tA4yuA+W6A+i6A+y6A+66A++6AwA=
Tier 3:
Galakrond Priest: AAECAa0GBuubA4WtA46xA+O0A8i+A8jAAwwe3AHTCpmpA9esA9qsA/KsA/6uA82vA5O6A5u6A6+6AwA=
Quest Warlock: AAECAf0GCrQDxQTbBtwGigfrowP8owPtrAORsQPuvwMKzgfECNqWA9qbA7ulA+WsA+usA+ysA+6sA+m+AwA=
Highlander Mage: AAECAf0EHooByQOrBMUEywTtBI0In5sDoJsDip4DoaEDwqED/KMDi6QDkqQDv6QD8qUDhKcD9KsD+qwD7K8D8K8DkbEDhLYDjLYD4bYDw7gDjbsD3L4D3sQDAAA=
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Highlander galakrond shaman does best for me all across the board.
Enough control to beat druid, enough strong value cards to beat priest,enough pressure to beat rogue and warrior
Enough healing to beat hunter and demon Hunter. Enough control to beat warlock and paladin.
I also run Highlander hunter and bomb warrior, but ladder has too many priests and demon hunters to run those effectively
Demon hunter is hit or miss with all thease dam priest warrior and mages running about.
Thanks. Waiting a wild one
Do you think it's worth investing in Bomb Warrior if I have no Warrior cards?
i play pirate/enrage warrior and got a 70-80% winrate against dh. it has become my fav. matchup in game. i guess your priest is quite a bit more than tier 3.