[Hearthstone] The FUNNEST Deck Ever: Djinni Priest

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35 thoughts on “[Hearthstone] The FUNNEST Deck Ever: Djinni Priest

  1. Very cool Deck! Tried to build this deck in the Catacombs dungeon adventure in Hearthstone. Wasn't much of a success. Did manage to complete the dungeon with all 9 characters using other strategies. Have a look at the Priest run at: https://youtu.be/rZWfCnAVs3k . Would appreciate you subscribing.

  2. " so that's actually not too bad, because it gives us lethal" — disguised toast 2017

  3. does djinni not get charge anymore?? i tried it today time= 1:13am, date = sunday-july-1st 2018 and it didnt work -_

  4. This explains why playing Entomb while having Djin, shuffles your Djin as well

  5. on the one where the enemy had edwin and leeroy why didnt he just confuse potion of madness innerfire. he made it more complicated than it needed to be

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