(Ashes of Outland Standard) Highlander Druid VS Warrior
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Music: Waltz in B minor, Op. 69 no. 2 & Grande valse brillante in E flat major, Op. 18 by Chopin, performed by Olga Gurevich
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Just look at that adorable fluff at the bottom right~
Hmm he might be playing singleton… Just a hunch
Pretty sure your opponent was playing a singleton deck.
7:39 Shiro waking up, thank me later.
I can't say, but something tells me that your opponent is playing with a warrior deck
guys hold up I think that warrior was playing a singleton deck
Hmm yes the floor is made of floor
Hey now wait a minute…that was a Highlander Warrior deck!
Don't worry Detective Kibler is on the case!
There is a strong possibility your opponent was playing Hearthstone.
1:20 i think the play was to coin hero power and punch his face so he can't clear the twilight drake with just armor up+shield slam
I kept getting distracted by Shiro, and now I'm sleepy.
The height of the hat on his head (in the thumbnail) concerns me, his brain is expanding too rapidly to contain.
Kibler with the serious boomer apm
Had all five aspects at some point. New Dragonsoul Druid perhaps? 🙂
I don't think that warrior was playing a highlander deck.
if you gonna be Sherlock, who will be best pick for Watson and for Moriarty?xD
I think your deck might be playing an oponnet highlander
Can't believe that everyone is so low IQ.. It was clearly a doubleton deck
The moment opponent played Alex I legit was like "wtf its gonna fizzle".
Because it didnt, I thought "hang on… That must mean something!". Couldnt remember what but detective Kibler gave the answer away.
Kibler's decks are so much fun to play. I usually have a lot of success with them too.
I don't know guys.. it might not be Singleton warrior. The video description simply says "Warrior". More information is required
Im simple man I see good preview photo on Youtube from kibler I press Like to video (I still watch your videos every day though)
Holy crap I remember playing the background music for a piano competition more than ten years ago. I can still play the melody from memory, I practiced it so much.
This is one of the many reasons I love watching Kibler. He's not afraid to poke fun at himself a bit whenever he has an "oops" moment. It's a great bit of humility, and shows that he's just having fun without the need to be perfect all the time.
Well, to be fair, Kibler was playing singleton too, and he had 2 bombs and 14 dream portals, so…
I'll never understand why your dog is apart of your streams now….
that malygos call tho…
i love you man you play all the funny decks.but on this one i win i start playing 2 weaks ago this deck.
Disappointed to see Kibler still doesn't have that Chapstick sponsorship.