Hearthstone: The Lich King with a 480 Dust Rogue Deck

In this video we take on The Lich King, the final boss of the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion for Hearthstone, with a Rogue deck that costs 480 dust to craft!

Code for deck: AAECAaIHAA+0Ab8BgQLLA80D/gOLBOAExgXxBdAHsQj5CoqtAp/CAgA=

The decklist is available here: http://imgur.com/QDORzT1

Strat TL;DR: Get Fledgling on board, protect it with your hero power and your minions, while buffing it by attacking. Fledgling has 2 required buffs — Windfury and Liquid Membrane (can’t be targeted by enemy spells/hero powers).

Mulligan: Knife Juggler, Vicious Fledgling, and any early minions as they won’t be discarded.

Cards to Add: Weapons such as Perdition’s Blade or Assassin’s Blade may help with tempo. Strong in general but low cost minions.

Cards to Remove: Dragonling Mechanic is probably the minion with the least synergy in this deck, or remove spells if you feel comfortable with a bigger card pool.

For strat, refer to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/6w4koa/im_the_guy_who_did_the_basicfree_to_play/


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26 thoughts on “Hearthstone: The Lich King with a 480 Dust Rogue Deck

  1. This is super frustrating I've literally been at it for four hours now. There is way too much lucky RNG needed for this method to actually work. And by lucky RNG, I don't mean just drawing the correct cards, this also means for the lich king to draw badly and not draw blizzard which I'm painfully discovering is pretty much impossible.

  2. You literally have to get the best rng possible to win with this deck. I have been trying for 3 hours and haven't beat it.

  3. All of your videos for the LK are absolute trash bro. I've tried your shit multiple times and never works while other youtubers i've seen did it for me on 4/5 attempt. Pure RNG draws and absolute trash. For anyone watching this idiot go look at some decks in HRTPWN or elsewhere.

  4. This deck is really, really hard, after 2 hours at it, with frustration breaks in between, it seems there is only one path to glory, and that is to have the exact cards and in the same order, as in the video, and hope that LK plays the exact same pattern of cards, as in the video (I'd love to see the scripting for LK — I see patterns that cannot be explained by RNG, I call shenanigans !!!)
    But I'm not giving up just yet, I mean how many combinations can there be ? 😉

  5. OK, so I gave up, and at the same time, had an epiphany. Its basically a dps race against time right ? So what about a straight up Murloc rush deck ? So that's what I made, although I kept the fledglings, and absolutely annihilated the Chump King on my first attempt. And furthermore, is they are all vanilla flavoured cards, so you can use this deck for every character to unlock Arthas. Please note, my deck is based on the deck in this video, and if it wasn't for this tutorial, I would probably still be sifting through the endless piles of garbage decks trying to beat this guy, cheers Tommy, your decks have saved me from eternal anguish on more than one occasion. If anyone wants to try my rush deck, here 'tis : https://imgur.com/a/SoK8c

  6. Funny, tried around 50 times with the fledglings…
    And now i had a pretty good Murloc ramp, and just raped him with Murlocs haha

  7. I beat LK with 4 classes until now. Will try with Valira now.

    With Malfurion I beated him at my first try lol

  8. Finally got him after 3h. He had 4 hp on turn 7 but i killed him on turn 9 because of my huge 11/12 fledgling and my strong board.

  9. Trying to beat the lich king with any iteration of a budget rogue has been upsetting and disgustingly ineffective. No matter what, there is an insurmountable barrier. No deck can survive phase 2 pressure, so that leaves rushing him down phase 1 as the "best" option. That however is still highly unreasonable. Between efficient removal, sludge bletcher, and a blizzard that always is suspiciously fucking available on turn 6 right when I'm about to win, it's an unreasonable task that can't be consistently done by any deck that doesn't have the dust value to back it. Plus, he can always just coin out that fucking skeleton prick and shut down your fledgling, immediately nullifying that run through.

    Fuck this boss. Most unfun thing I've ever experienced outside of ladder.

  10. Did it from the second try, only had 14 cards to play. Feed murlocs and knife at the start, 2 vicious by round 4, gg at round 7.

  11. Doesnt work. The Lich King always throwing the Blizzard spell which beat the fuck out of my minions at turn 6. I cannot beat him faster than turn 6. Tried multiple times

  12. I used this deck to defeat the lich king. It took me about 20 tries to defeat him. At last, I defeat him during turn 9…… for some reason I got pass turn 7-8 no problem……

    P.S.I had a lot of problems with the blizzard, the buff LK did to his minions, and the cards I get in the start which lead to me doing 20 tries…..

    btw pls upvote…

  13. Unbelievably awesome deck. This seems one of the easier ones just due to the fact that if you don't kill by turn 7 just restart. Took about 5 tries to beat. RNG isn't THAT bad with 17 cards to start with. Thanks again Tommy

  14. RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG….. If you really have any interest in beating the LK with any and or all the heroes plan on opening up that wallet.

  15. I beat the lich king with mage priest & shaman I just need 6 more .
    Mage was fun to play against the lich king. I know how to counter spell he's one cost spell on turn one.

  16. Your hearthstone is different than mine cuz this deck aint worth a fuck u just got extremely lucky

  17. I'm going my best trying with that deck but all over when Lich King uses Frostmourne. And the correct cards to use don't appear in the same way of the video. Any help with that?

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