Hearthstone: The Lich King with a Budget Paladin Deck

In this video we take on The Lich King, the final boss of the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion for Hearthstone, with a Paladin deck that costs 1280 dust to craft!

Code for deck: AAEBAZ8FAtwDscICDka/Af8CxQPbA/4D0AfdCowOiq0CrbwC07wCncIChsQCAA==

The decklist is available here: http://imgur.com/iWnodd0

The alternate decklist i discuss in the video is available here: http://imgur.com/to81NJ0

Strat TL;DR: it’s a murloc deck, rush him down by playing, buffing, and maintaining your murlocs as best you can, and finish by playing a Gentle Megasaur to buff your Murlocs. Use Light’s Justice to help hold the board.

Mulligan: Murloc Tidecaller for the turn 1 play, any turn 2 play, and a Coldlight Seer would be ideal, and potentially a Blessing of Wisdom mixed in to that. If you do draw a Gentle Megasaur, it may be worth holding onto if you have early plays too.

Cards to Add: Murlocs! Murloc Warleader, a second Gentle Megasaur, Old Murk-Eye or Finja, the Flying Star.

Cards to Remove: Grimscale Chum isn’t required, and may even slow down your momentum if you have say a Murloc Tidecaller that you’d rather play.

For strat, refer to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/6w4koa/im_the_guy_who_did_the_basicfree_to_play/


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40 thoughts on “Hearthstone: The Lich King with a Budget Paladin Deck

  1. I think I'm giving up on beating him. He seems to always have an obliterate and a glacial shard in his hand. Even the ones I wait out a couple turns, I have no chance. How many tries did it take you?

  2. This is so hard to do…but look..I don't have the megasaur and I managed to put hit him down to 1hp before turn 7…I did that a couple of times before I found another deck on hearthpawn that has no murlocs…and I won in my 2nd try…paladin was the hardest indeed

  3. Deck worked like a charm for me! Won on second try. He could have had probably 150 health and I still would have won. 🙂 Thanks!

  4. yea this is bullshit because obliterate is the most broken card to ever exist and he uses it against me every time, didnt use obliterate a single time in this video hmmmmmmmmm intresting

  5. I used a slightly different deck, using wf minion and protecting/buffing it. The funny thing is, through this encounter alone you notice how much this game is about rng and single uber cards, really. On the other hand, at some point Lich King just went face with all his minions on board, after buffing them, despite the fact he didn't have lethal, which is imho a very weird at best for an AI thing to do. He didn't seem to have Blizzard, freeze/shatter or Obliterate up to this point either. Aight, this has been the 9/9 for me now as well. GL

  6. thank you, beat him 2nd try with this… had trouble since I had disenchanted some of my old "combo paladin for lich king" cards

  7. Well, this boss is literaly impossible to beat for me…every single fucking time is double taunt, belcher and then blizzard…it's literaly impossible to win. I'm on my 42 try…so yeah, this deck does't work for me cuz i don't have any luck. But thank u anyways.

  8. I built a similar deck with more murloc synergy. It does not work ever. If he plays any taunt or obliterate or blizzard or anti-magic shell, you lose. And if you don't get a good starting hand he doesn't even need those.

  9. I almost lost my mind trying to finish the paladin one and I finally did it with your help. Thank you so much for the remainder of my sanity :')

  10. He defeated The lords of terror he killed illidan, he dominate all the plague and have inflnite power from the frozen throne.

    Gets owned by a murloc deck

  11. Hey mate, can you do an "updated" guide to Lich king. I'm a new player, so i don't have Wild cards, only cards from the current Standard meta. Lots of new players don't have Wild cards and its kind of pointless to craft Wild cards (or spend real money on Wild boosters) just to beat this boss. Thanks a lot!!!

  12. Better off googling guides now. LK seems overly buff these days. Always obliterates, and Blizzards now.

  13. Even after 20 times i tried its still impossible. Fucking Lich King top deck buffs and removals every single time

  14. Impossible to win. He has too many tools to control the board. OTK never works for me either. Fuck you Blizzard

  15. I just wanted to say thanks for putting up these guides. I’d pretty much given up on the idea of unlocking Arthas due to how expensive some of the suggested decks were but with these guides and a lot of patience, I was able to clear the remaining 8 classes (I had won with Priest already). So again, thank you 🙂

  16. This video name has missleading words it must be "Hearthstone: The Lich King with a Budget Paladin Deck with %100 Luck!"

  17. Bruh i won in less than 10 tries (I think) with this deck. Thanks man! I didn't even play the megasaur on my winning attempt. Still, I ended up with a 10/1 Tidecaller and exact lethal thanks to the lich king making some VERY questionable decisions. Like obliterating and Trading away my 2 Unbuffed Oracles while I had the aforementioned Tidecaller Out.

  18. Didnt got it out of my first like 30 Tries. But i will keep trying it. It feels so close every try.

  19. 4:28 i told myself "how is he getting out of that I'm so excited to know" lol since most people always post their kill video not the failed ones. Thanks a lot man for the deck i will try it.

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