[Hearthstone] The New Greediest Priest Deck

Hearthstone KotFT | Thoughts & gameplay on the greediest Priest deck of the Frozen Throne expansion
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36 thoughts on “[Hearthstone] The New Greediest Priest Deck

  1. If you're gonna run Mind Control i suggest taking some late out and get Medivh and Free from amber instead. Also, taking some of those early minions like Loot Hoarder and Glimmerroot out for Lyra, Radiant elementals, Pyromancer, Priest of the feast and some cheap spells gives you some crazy Lyra + Voidform finishers.

  2. They should make a card called The New Guy or The Bitch that gets rid of taunts on all minions each taunt thats dispelled gives one attack to The Bitch, who originally has 1 attack 1 health, charge and taunt, the point is that hes squishy with 1 health, he fucks over everybody else, he does decent damage, and charges, cause fuck tanks am i right?

  3. I've been trying to make as greedy a priest as I can too, so I can't wait to try this out and the thrall dk deck I see you also have a vid for since I just slipped the dk and a couple freeze cards into my jade-el deck and haven't really figured out much to do with it yet myself. I been playing priest more, and finally tried out jade druid since I hate mages and infestation looked so damn good and I drew two on launch day.

    also, guys is Cuckerino Kripperino taken?
    I want to explore male feminism and think that would be a fun way to do it while watching hearthstone

  4. Blizzard should give us dust for every card that is rotated out, like they did with the Classic ones they rotated out.

  5. 12:25 "The games I'm offered to play are very good"
    Yeah, you mean these unknown shitty mobile games nobody wants because it's pay to play or pay to win after some time?

  6. Hahaha that Yogg was absolutely insane. If Divine Favor wouldn't have come up I would have though for sure Blizzard was fucking with Kripp haha.

  7. I'm sorry to say that kripp but I'm always having to skip your video intros because they are always so boring! Can you put a time so we can skip straight away please?

  8. i feel like that the geist Hard-counters the neverending aspect of jade druid, not the build up to the end.

  9. i love how krip isnt like "this is stoopid man rng sucks" but just, "This deck is jus too fcking op man."

  10. Imo shadowreaper Anduin was the most broken card with Raza. It was really painful playing against as a control

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