Hearthstone: The new miracle vanish (miracle rogue)

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Kolento’s deck list:

Video editor: «Heartless»

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23 thoughts on “Hearthstone: The new miracle vanish (miracle rogue)

  1. Hi people! What is the sustitution for patches? if i havent have to change the 1/1 pirates? (sorry for my bad inglish :D)

  2. Мне понравилось как Коленто не растерялся когда засабился подписчик с русским ником))

  3. I like how Kolento, when it's pointed out that he missed lethal, doesn't immediately freak out and simply acknowledges the point and then moves on.

  4. Can anyone tell me, why patches when there are only 2 pirate cards in deck? Can I replace it with another card instead?

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