(Ashes of Outland Standard) Two Games: Singleton Spell Shaman VS Demon Hunter, Singleton Druid VS Warlock
Deck Code 1: AAECAaoIHvkDgQT1BP4F/wWyBo0IrZEDipQDuZkDxZkDpaED/KMD4aUDhKcDkKcDu60DgbEDkbED27IDhLYD5rcD27gDk7kDl7kDmLkD5b4D5r4Dk8IDw8wDAAA=
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Music: Piano Sonata no. 10 in C major, K. 330 by Mozart, performed by Vadim Chaimovich
Third 😀
Hey Kibler. I absolutely adore your videos, and i never really got into twitch but watching these highlights makes me want to check out your stream once in a while. Keep up the great work buddy, huge respect.
student is studiying hard:D
Druid’s over growth is just as cancer as fck
at 6:64 why would he kill the 2/2 instead of the 5/4 diamond rank btw
Nice calculated druid win
Cant copy the deck code using my phone
How many simps paid $150+ for a card back and some dust?
Kibler’s developing that Uther the Lightbringer hair
Love your vids kibler. Keep it up
If the board is chosen at random then the effect of transfer student is essentially random but I’m not sure how the game boards are chosen
Is it worth crafting Hagatha if I have every other card from the deck? Or what could I possibly replace it with? The deck looks fun in contrast to most other decks that are around atm 😀
This video seems to be a repeat of an earlier video, is shaman & not druid.
i dont see skipperino in these comments
Constructed video? peepoArrive
How old are these videos. I like kibs but he's really lazy with these videos, he just picks out ones from weeks ago for easy youtube views
Is Highlander and singleton the same thing?
8:00 It was Mo'arg, not ganarg, i was little confused at first
UPD oh you understand it later
What’s that NOOOOOOO card?
Hey guys just take a look on this battlegrounds video
How does kibler always find the stupidest players in standard? LOL this DH kept making mistakes everysingle turn!
Transfer student isn't random, he's based on the board you are in…which…is random, isn't it? Anyway, bad card
Why are you playing hearthstone if you can play LOR, and it's so much better than this?
Is Transfer Student male? For some reason I imagined the card as female.
All the student video I've seen have been on a jungle board 🙁
Dear Brian Kibler, I have been a long time fan of your content though not very vocal in any respects. I just wanted to say I admire your sense of honest and sincere analysis that is always well thought out with a great deal of care and consideration. I've fallen out of the hearthstone meta because I feel that while a player can have a great deal of control and mastery over the board, deck, hand, and life total/win condition landscapes, due to random variance, a player must also have in mind the infinite parallel universes he could ultimately end up in, Which while not completely arbitrary, stem from a strangely tweaked sense of variance that spirals into an odd serious of multi dimensional fractals that I feel are unpleasant to traverse. But you provide a kolidascope of refined education and experience that still makes observing all the strange phenomena play out and see how well you can play into the hands of fate, inevitably, and lady luck, an utter joy and educational experience. You are an amazing Streamer, and a charming person. I wish you and Shiro the best in whatever you endeavor on.