#Hearthstone #Ashesofoutland #Spellhunter
Hi welcome to my video trying out a fun Wild Spell Hunter deck I found from a fellow Hearthstone Youtuber called King Vlad https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqIAen9GUa59_lHWDOxr_lA check out his Hearthstone Gameplay. It looked an interesting deck so thought i would give it a go. I made a few changes to make it my own and played a few un ranked games just for fun.
Deck list :-
### Spell Hunter
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Arcane Shot
# 1x (2) Cat Trick
# 1x (2) Explosive Trap
# 1x (2) Flare
# 1x (2) Freezing Trap
# 1x (2) Grievous Bite
# 1x (2) Hunter’s Mark
# 1x (2) Pressure Plate
# 1x (2) Snipe
# 1x (2) Wandering Monster
# 1x (3) Animal Companion
# 1x (3) Deadly Shot
# 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 2x (3) Hunter’s Pack
# 1x (3) Kill Command
# 1x (3) Unleash the Hounds
# 1x (4) Flanking Strike
# 1x (4) Marked Shot
# 1x (5) Explosive Shot
# 2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
# 1x (6) To My Side!
# 2x (6) Unleash the Beast
# 1x (7) Rhok’delar
# 2x (8) Call of the Wild
# 1x (10) Zul’jin
Running in Ultra Graphics settings, 1440p.
PC Spec —
CPU — Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7Ghz
GPU — Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super 8GB
Ram — 16GB Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200Mhz DDR4
Motherboard — Gigabyte B450M AORUS.
I hope you enjoy the video and if you do please like, comment and subscribe.
sick hearthstone video bro! can you check out mine?
That's a cool Spell Hunter deck man! I dropped you a like! 👍