(Hearthstone) When You Call It Just Right

(Ashes of Outland Standard) 2 games: Singleton Spell Shaman VS Hunter, Box Mage VS Warrior
Deck Code 1: AAECAaoIHvkDgQT1BP4F/wWyBsAHrZEDipQDxZkDpaED/KMD4aUDhKcDkKcDu60DgbEDkbED27IDhLYD5LcD5rcD27gD5LgDk7kDl7kDmLkD5b4D5r4Dk8IDAAA=
Deck Code 2: AAECAf0ECsUEywTtBJaaA4qeA7+kA4y2A+G2A427A97EAwqrBI0Ig5YDn5sDoJsDwqED+qwD7K8D8K8D8a8DAA==
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Music: Piano Concerto no. 1 in E minor, Op. 11 — III. Rondo – Vivace (String Quintet arr.) by Chopin, performed by Zuzana Šimurdová


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40 thoughts on “(Hearthstone) When You Call It Just Right

  1. It warms my heart to see Heroic Strike played. I think that card is criminally underrated. Four damage for two mana is nothing to sneeze at, even if it means taking some to the face.

  2. Do you mind passing me some of that mojo? Because every time I try to draw that game saving card it’s either a bomb or a completely dead card…..😑

  3. I like how how Kibler clears the leper gnome and says his opponent. Yes. Clear this Collossus of the Moon with your face thank you :3

  4. What would a good replacement be for the Manasaber? (I haven't got the 4th chapter of the adventure…) I was thinking of Squalhunter

  5. At the end of the first match, should Kibler have attack a hound with Zephrys/Colossus first to play around Freezing Trap?

  6. took me till the end of the video to notice his T-Shirt.
    ….. anyone else starting to think his hair is starting to look like Jaina's? He might make a pretty good jaina cosplay…. jaina with a beard. Like a mix between jaina and uther.

  7. on 2:07 if you earthshock colossus it would be a 10/9?
    i'm rusty forgot how silence mechanics work

  8. Kibler: “It’s pretty nice when you’re like ‘I want exactly this thing to happen’, and then it does!”
    Also Kibler: Screams in Bonfire of the Damned

  9. It’s funny to think that even if he missed the draw, he could use dragon caster to just pop off on turn seven the exact same way. Great deck! Skilled player!

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