HEARTSTONE Animated Short Cinematic Trailer (Gamescom 2017)

HEARTSTONE Animated Short Cinematic Trailer (Gamescom 2017)

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29 thoughts on “HEARTSTONE Animated Short Cinematic Trailer (Gamescom 2017)

  1. Everything was fine until they started in with their disney song. Then I was like "Oh Jesus, I'm out."

  2. I'd play this game, but I don't feel like shelling out buttloads of money just to stay relevant to the current meta, only to have my buttloads of money be made worthless when Blizz feels like a change is needed. Hearthstone is a game for the rich and/or obsessive, not for anyone sane.

  3. Why on earth does Blizzard NOT make movies like this? This is Pixar-quality stuff.

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