Holy Moly Mackerels ARE THE WORST!! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1529

Holy Moly Mackerels ARE THE WORST!! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1529

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ES_Le Chat Noir — Lucas Pittman
ES_Cool as a Kid — Golden Age Radio
ES_Love Me Just a Little Bit — Grip City Cronies
ES_The Wrong Step — Mac Taboel
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)

(If there was mistake in credits, you want a request or you want something more, then contact me on Youtube or email — Justixhon@gmail.com)
◆Hearthstone footage with permission by Blizzard Entertainment:

◆Everything is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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27 thoughts on “Holy Moly Mackerels ARE THE WORST!! | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1529

  1. Comment question of the day
    If you had to choose any epic card(s) to Legendary which card(s) would you choose?

  2. I would maybe change the Reward System I mean ofc it's free2play but in my opinion it is hard tu get everything for free. I had a pause over 1 year and I can't build any good deck cause I can't craft all legendaries or epics that I need…
    In Games like Gwent u could buy packs but also got so much reward that u don't need to buy smth if u play enough. I'm playing much Hearthstone but cause u can only get 100g per Day and 1 Quest it's not high enough
    Just my opinion

  3. Give gold rewards by playing single player. I'm trying to complete all of single player content 100% and it would just be reakly awesome if I could get like 10 gold per winning a dalaran heist aka 8 matches. Just give me something

  4. Change the Dusting system would be nice . Making Each card you dust 1/2 the amount instead of 1/4 the amount

  5. I would change the amount of dust from your cards to make more people craft and enjoy the game more and the reward system from the rank

  6. The right play is to feed the fish to the left most taunt minion, Hero power to face, then play zaf, then it is lethal and zaf will give you mass dispell.

  7. 3:13, zephyr sent Solem’s wish in his junk folder. He ain’t a genie but like the story of the fisherman and the magical haddock, be careful what you wish for. (Zephyrs is haddock)

    Edit: yes mr editor you are right. Aiken should have hit face with hero and trade murloc with 3/9 taunt instead of 1/5 taunt.

  8. I hate hysterical laugh from players when RNG works well in their games… (I am headphone user)

  9. Comment and Question: Is the rank climbing more or less enjoyable in the current season?

  10. Fully remove the freeze and charge mechanics (not rush), to make games more interactive. Fully ignoring your oppponent and going face (charge) or just playing your deck to pull a combo (freeze) annoys me a lot

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