How Could He POSSIBLY Mess That Up??? | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1527

How Could He POSSIBLY Mess That Up??? | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1527

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ES_Amused — A Month of Sleep
ES_Extravaganza — Jules Gaia
ES_Bubbly — A Month of Sleep
ES_No Cookies for You — Alexandra Woodward
Salty Breeze 3 — Martin Gauffin (Full Audio)

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21 thoughts on “How Could He POSSIBLY Mess That Up??? | Hearthstone Daily Moments Ep.1527

  1. Thank you very much for not playing the old tiktok laugh sound i really appreciate it

  2. Most memorable bluff: I played as Rogue vs Hunter in arena. Hunter down to 2hp with board dominance, winning next turn (me with >10 hp). I discover a Hunter card with hallucination (Freezing Trap) and emote with "wow", then "well played", playing the trap. After that the hunter swears to hunt me down and concedes 😉
    (If he did not attack, my dagger would have killed him the turn after)I ended that run with 12 wins later. Good times.

  3. I was playing mechathun Druid but had used my both my innervates, he still conceded

  4. DH, 2 outcast skull of guldan, and then pop goes the weasle after I dropped altrius the next turn. I only need 2 more damage but he conceaded thinking that I can still play cards.

  5. Whenever i bluff i bm spam well played. Won once by playing a randomly generated dinotamer brann that was inactive

  6. I was almost happy to see that Toast was returning, but then I saw it was Nostalgia clip of the day, but THEN I saw it was the "Yogg plays Mindgames to get the Mecha'tun put into the opponent's deck by Prince Malchezar, then casts Myra's Unstable Element to finally cast Cataclysm and win" clip, and I was happy again.

  7. I think the hardest thing to bluff is you have a non target card. Having a card that aims the face is easy and frankly, a telltale that it is a bluff. That’s why we still have scam emails for days.

  8. by bluffing ? yes and i won by quitting the game, i was called to eat and leave the game , if the guy didnt rage quit he could have won

  9. I played as mage and my opponent had 6 hp while I had 12. He had a full board enough to kill me while I have nothing. At the start of my turn I emoted a lot and played evocation then emoted after playing it to tell him that I had lehtal, then he concede assumimg I had lehtal but little did he knew, my hand was filled with crappy spells. It was a great experience

  10. Played exodia mage with anto a few weeks ago, I played the combo but didn't have a spell to generate a fireball, I just emoted a lot and the guy conceded even though he won

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