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hehe first
Im never this early but this essay isnt getting done anytime soon sooooooo
True fan of Amaz reported
The worst hero in the game
Now that her hero power is only 5 rolls? Is it now better to just roll 5 times on tier 1 and get 7 units for your first buy? It seems slow but sounds like it will make finding triples early very easy.
hey Amaz hope you are having a great day, been watching every video u posted u are AMAZing and prolly one of my fav HS battlegrounds streamer of all time!
Kripp posted first
Why putting menace on egg? I remember it replaced the 8/8 if there’s no enough space
Nice sweater Amaz
This hero would be top if it was like every time your tavern refresh you stack one for getting the upgraded hero power and make it like 7 or 8 refreshes
Bro at 3:21 he had 5 two star units and two of them were bomb and cannon. Should have froze.
Amaz faced a weak lobby.
Rabid saurolisk become ROBERTO ?
K-Noon, Roberto what else ?
I would just roll 3 times on turn 1 u get max 3 damage anyway