How GOOD is Pirate Shaman ACTUALLY? NEW EVOLVE SHAMAN Deck | Ashes of Outland | Wild Hearthstone
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### E V O L V E
# Class: Shaman
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 2x (1) Evolve
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Devolve
# 2x (2) Explosive Evolution
# 2x (2) Parachute Brigand
# 2x (3) Desert Hare
# 2x (3) Serpentshrine Portal
# 2x (4) Dread Corsair
# 2x (4) Hoard Pillager
# 2x (4) Saronite Chain Gang
# 2x (5) Boggspine Knuckles
# 2x (5) Doppelgangster
# 1x (5) Thrall, Deathseer
# 2x (7) Corridor Creeper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Enjoy the gameplay!
#Hearthstone #Gaming #Roffle
Roffle's titles always sound mocking clickbait, but in turn, is also clickbait. But delivers on the clickbait. What is it
Kobold Stickyfinger was only added to the game to madden streamers! XD
Solarian idea: quest mage, vargoth, triple the extra turn, simulacrum the solarian, play them all and run some aoe to get them all in your deck
I was just thinking, what if there was a 1/1 amalgam for 1 that came from your deck when you evolved and evolved Hearthstone into Artifact? Oh wait that would be a devolve…. Sadatches 😥
0:02 — Galakrond? Rogue (Probably Spectral Pillager)
3:45 — C'thun Demon Hunter
6:49 — Highlander Priest
10:42 — (Another) Galakrond? Rogue
13:17 — Tech Shaman
15:59 — Evolve Shaman
20:30 — Bad Warlock (I can't identify this)
23:44 — Concede Priest (I also can't identify this)
27:17 — Mech Hunter
PS: This episode broke me.
Ogre deck should be shaman or rogue.
For Dunemaul Shaman or for Ogre Ninja respectively
What happened at the beginning? I blinked and you had a massive board.
No Roffle, you're not allowed to have 10 mana worth of minions on the field turn 2 this is Hearthstone you're breaking the rules! This HAS to be against the rules right?…..Right?
14:44 It's Mr. STEAL YO GURL!
the only thing that dissapoints me in this vid is that you didnt used to be a night elf
What I've Learned About Twitch Chat:
1( Twitch Chat is always right.
2) Twitch Chat has unlimited Mana.
3) Twitch Chat knows best when it comes to deck building
4) Mana 7/7
5) Twitch Roffle is better than YouTube Roffle
6) Roffle is actually Solem (this one's true)
7) Twitch Chat used to be a night elf, you know?
8) Try swapping Genn Greymane for Boulderfist Ogre and Baku The Mooneater for (*insert big 9-drop here*) because good stats for the cost
9) "Why no even-cost card in this odd-cost deck?" y vice versa.
10) And finally, GRUUUUUUUUUL!!!!!!!!!
11) Also, did I mention chat has infinite Mana?
12) Well, now you know.
i demand ogre deck immediately !
btw good job roffle, keep it up 😀
This is the kinda nutty shit we do love roffle! I'm running this deck NAOOW
Edit: deckcode for mobile anyone? Hehe
9:00 wAtCh ThIs
So i receive 2x Knuckles from packs, then the next day Roffle makes a video about it. Great!
Such a good deck!! New meta ?
Anyone got thoughts on if next expansion card bloom could make this top tier?? Or would big shaman just be better. This deck is the nuts
This looks like a standard deck from 3 years ago lol
9:01 cool
Sounds like evolve shaman but with extra steps
Hey Roffle, you should play Raza Priest but instead of killing the opponent with your Hero Power you make a board of Legendaries with Paletress, then you iill your opponent with King Krush
But YouTube roffle never loses
I felt so much anxiety when he almost played evolve cuz it's green lol
Hey Roffle, I keep seeing that your classes are all at rank sixty. Have you considered grinding to get your classes to rank 5 diamond?
375th like, working is hard
Have you seen Admirables chess warrior?
Chat: NoOoOo you can't just mill your own deck for stats!!1!
Fel reaver & keening banshee: haha good stats go brrrrrrr
22:55 For an all ogre deck I would do Worrier for the 6 mana 6/7 that gives you 5 armor when your hero attack. Plus you could add the “Ogre Warmaul” for fun. Love your vids, and stay safe :3
0:38 new cancer on ladder confirmed
So glad you included the weapon steal match. That was perfect
Everyone gangsta until Pirate Shaman shows up
Missed out on a Fan of Knive joke. Unfollowed.
8:59 Wait? Gnomish Experimenter's attack line is the "Watch This" in Roffle's intro?!!!
I don't think I've ever even heard that minion attack before.
14:40 honestly best hearthstone play ever
is the title a reference to a certain copetitive pokemon youtube channel??
You can also use that 3 mana 3/4 mage minion(Manic Soulcaster), that shuffles a minion in your deck for the Solarium deck.
Ogres go face. You go hunter?
Wild hearthstone: where the 4 mana cost minion are way better than 9 mana cost minions.
I have rules now… Rule#1 never craft one of roffles decks
Roffle really knows how to make decks. Probly better than dog lol
Now i can rest in peace. I saw the minion of your intro attacking 👌
loved how Roffle tried to devolve taunt totem and got the target dummy as a replacement so it made 0 difference.
This deck seems okay, but have you considered adding Thrall?
That loss you showed was incredible 😄
I love evolve Shaman and this deck is great even if it lacked my favorite card Unstable Evolution, but I understand why.
Sticky fingers
22:53 I know you probably won't see this, but Rogue would (off the top of my head) be the best class because they have access to Bazaar Mugger and Ogre Ninja — I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting :p
Cheaper creeper. Corridor Cheaper.
So fun to watch you.
The most fun I've had with hearthstone.
You're clever and funny, keep it up.