I Am the Pirate King! and Captain Hogger Is the One Piece! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Pirates need big boi APM so it is the perfect tribe for me!


• Constructed: http://bit.ly/TrumpMoreStandard
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♬ Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com/
♬ Ronald Jenkees http://www.ronaldjenkees.com/


‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com


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45 thoughts on “I Am the Pirate King! and Captain Hogger Is the One Piece! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Trump this is probably the 2nd easiest build next to murlocs, please just buy and dont think when you have the hoggers you could have gotten so much bigger 🤯

  2. I'm gonna start to root for trump to lose. That's the way to convert the frustration of watching him being slow as shit into a satisfying moment.

  3. I think you're supposed to taunt one pirate to play around cleave but I'm not sure where you'd put it. Whatever's next to the cleaved pirate dies and it's vulnerable to poison.

  4. pro tip for playing pirates: after you buy a pirate, try to sell it as quickly as possible. it goes back into the pool and you’ll have much better odds with rerolling. avoid keeping them in your hand if you don’t need to

  5. Trump at the tourney: I'm pretty sure I could have Out-APM'D you to the dude in the last match

    Also trump in this video

  6. I honestly wish I could turn of the anxiety part of my brain, BUT only for watching trump videos

  7. Getting annoyed at trump for slow play is instinctual but feels wrong cos I know there’s a million things I do in games that are suboptimal

  8. "who would've thought that refresher was good" Uh… everybody that plays Hogger lol… refresher is your best friend man. Stop playing by the timer…

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