Idiot Rogue Wins Against Demon Hunter!? | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Idiot Rogue is a legit deck?

Part 1:

Deck Code: AAECAaIHBp0N9acDwa4D0rkD174D7b4DDES0AYgH4geMqAO5uAO6uAO7uAPPuQP0uwPWvgPZvgMA

00:00 Tempo Demon Hunter
04:47 Control Priest
10:24 Tempo Demon Hunter
14:41 Highlander Mage
16:57 Highlander Rogue
21:41 Wrap-up


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39 thoughts on “Idiot Rogue Wins Against Demon Hunter!? | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAaIHBp0N9acDwa4D0rkD174D7b4DDES0AYgH4geMqAO5uAO6uAO7uAPPuQP0uwPWvgPZvgMA

  2. Is apothecary wild//too slow/unreliable? Otherwise i'd play it over tiger… Like it either gives you a 7/5 or akama prime in the deck…

  3. that 5 mana 8/8 basically says "deal with me now and spend considerable resources doing so." so no wonder an agro deck couldnt beat it.

  4. As long as the change your making involves playing something pretty big on curve, I think it's a reasonable thing to mess around with. Except Sunstruck Henchman — that card blows.

  5. sometimes you look at a deck and think "theres no way that can work" but then it does and you have no idea why. This is one of those decks. Very few cards in it make sense. Very few of the ones that arn't auto include rouge cards ofc.

  6. Evicserate is hell of a card because it can go face in 2020

  7. That DH has the absolute nuts and did nothing with it.

    1 drop
    Twin slice

    I don't see a reason not to coin the 4/2 out on turn 2 when your opponent JUST backstabbed your 2/2. If anything play the satyr on turn 3 instead of coin 4/4.

  8. Kinda kills the meme but I had to remove Mortuary Machine since holy fucking shit is that card garbage against enrage warrior if you play it any turn later than 5.

    Dumped Maiev, a freezy dude, and the 2/3 taunt as well which gave room for a secret package which has felt good so far. 2x Stunner, Hanar, 2x Ambush, 1 DT/Bamboozle. Possibly ditching the Bamboozle for second DT since this deck is almost always ahead on board with decently statted minions and opponents are forced into spell removal instead of ignoring a board of shitty lackeys.

  9. Maybe the next time could be galakrond idiot rogue?

    Btw long time fan here, literally watched every video you uploaded ever, keep it up!

  10. I'm grinding for my golden rogue hero and the novelty of Galakrond wore of fast. Thank you so much for this deck! It's winning me a lot of games and playing all those off-meta cards is just fun. Everytime I'm playing Machine, Brawler or any of the stealth guys I just see my opponent hesitating to play cards in disbelief. I can almost here him think :"What's this meme garbage?" And it's even so much better when you can beat the crap out of them with the same off-meta cards. Wonderful!

  11. This deck looks like a lot of fun — is it worth crafting two mortuary machines and maiev to make it work? If not, what could they be replaced with?

  12. Put the give stealth minion and the inquisitor for some lols (obviously not good but I think it'd be fun).

  13. "if he can kill my 7/5, I will delete hearthstone from my computer"… Worst moment of my day 🙁

  14. It's entertaining that the overtuned boss battle class is defeated by big, stinky idiots.

  15. Probably good against demon hunter because it puts down so many big, sticky minions and Demon Hunter barely has any removal.

  16. 7:25 I didn't even think of that combo! The reborn guarantees that the scorpid will be able to get the stealth

  17. Deck is nice don't have akama tho.. Any chance u can play this priest deck with monsteller or do some marathon with all classes including mountseller like u did with star aligner ### Arch1Q89's Priest
    # Class: Priest
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Phoenix
    # 2x (1) Renew
    # 2x (1) Disciple of Galakrond
    # 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
    # 2x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
    # 2x (2) Shadow Word: Death
    # 2x (2) Penance
    # 2x (3) Breath of the Infinite
    # 2x (3) Apotheosis
    # 2x (4) Holy Nova
    # 2x (4) Fate Weaver
    # 2x (5) Time Rip
    # 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond
    # 2x (5) Cobalt Spellkin
    # 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
    # 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unspeakable
    # 2x (7) Exotic Mountseller
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    # Find this deck on

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