IMMORTAL AFK RUN?! - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — I finally experienced the dream AFK run!
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26 thoughts on “IMMORTAL AFK RUN?! — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. i have some new challenge for you: theres a hero that upgrades minions by one stage whenever you upgrade the tavern, ever tried to get the turn 2 minions up to 6* by greeding to the max level? xd i apparently managed to do it finally 😀 it was fun and even got the highest possible round damage to people… takes a lot of greed and risk tho…. also a bit of luck with people doing not too much damage in rounds with (almost) empty board… but then you could just wipe everyone with the full 6* board xd (luckily recorded this game lmao) — probably isn't possible in higher "meta" / score tho… ^^

  2. F in the chat for goodtwitter.
    New Twitter is made for huge touch screens, but I'M NOT USING A TOUCH SCREEN. Geniuses.

  3. I played against an afk on turn 4 that got a khadgar and a zerus. The zerus turned into imp mama…she won every round after that…

  4. — This video is only a little bit bait.
    — This is not a flawless run, but Kripp was only hit early game, and was very dominant.
    — Kripps biggest bait: "THE GIGANTIC RAT ARMY"

  5. Didn't get a flawless run when you clickbaited a flawless run the other day so ya know

  6. Can we get league highlight or build crafting vid for youtube for old time sakes?? 👍👍

  7. Just good and easy games are boring 😜 i also want to see some "man those draws are crap and i'm not sure what to play" games like everyone of us have sometimes 😄 let's call them outtakes

  8. Arena is ok right now, but through about 5 different runs, I've seen well over a dozen top tier constructed power plays that insta win the game, some by me, some by my opponent. The last one I witnessed was a dragoncaller into puzzlebox of yogg saron on 6 mana, clearing my board, and playing two eye of the storm's into whatever that 5 cost paladin spell that gives your minions divine shield, plus card draw and random secrets. I went from 30 hp and winning in all phases on turn 6 to dead turn 7.

  9. If I choose bad arena cards I would hate it too. Arena is finally a fun struggle. The swings exist now instead of: get control, conglaturations you win

  10. Hey Kripp, what kind of spectres is your PoE build you were refering to in this video using?

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