I really had some treasure luck this run and everything came together!
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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com
I would have actually taken Stargazing. Hero Power on turn 1, two guys on 2 and Warhorse Trainer on 3
I can’t help but feel like Trump’s YouTube videos are plummeting in viewership because he keeps only posting Battlegrounds or old Solo Run content. People simply don’t want to watch this. Look at Trump’s views for Arena—always six-digit views. Now look at Battleground videos: no one watches those. Please return to making arena videos or testing out decks on ladder… no one wants to watch this solo run stuff or Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds was interesting… for like a week.
17:30 one of best turn ones I have ever seen!!
12:20 Cravitz says fin, next opponent is Sharky Mc"Fin", Cravitz predicted next opponent!!
Wow he had such an amazing hand this whole run. You could say he had…
a silver hand.
not tinyfin 😭
A man needs trump shirts
Which adventure is this?
I'm reminded of that uther vs uther song when ever the recruits attack
I always hear the Silver Hand Recruits saying "Da Battle!" like they were drunk and you woke them up
Reporting for duty Reporting for dutyReporting for dutyReporting for dutyReporting for dutyReporting for dutyReporting for dutyReporting for dutyReporting for duty
RIP Murloc Tinyfin. You almost made it, little guy.
My boi Hoofer doesn't like murlocs.
26:30 I laughed like an idiot for a solid 5 minutes
Perfect timing. Needed this so bad. Ty trumpy
If Trump feels like he HAS to make Hearthstone content, I would enjoy seeing him play Wild more than replaying another adventure.
This felt like a speed run the bosses died so fast.
Damn! Why? Why kill the freaking murloc?
Rest in peace our dear friend. You were too young…
I think Trump did really well this run. Give him a big hand, folks!
Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty! Reporting for Duty!
The moment trump said brrr im thinkin he thinks he's playing age of empires.
flark is confirmed a bad guy
who would do that to such a cute tinyfin?
Lighting can kill u twice?! ;p
Last battle reminds me of that video where they killed the cute tabby cat and he was so upset, wish I could find it
17:50 A meh turn 1
Never understood why Hydrologist says EUREKA! like that
Here we go boys and girls we're getting closer, Act 5 Shaman soon. (Hopefully)
Trump: didnt cast swampqueens call a single time
Also Trump: Lets pick a second copy
Reinforce is the most fun hero power in the game ❤️
23:14 = trump in a nutshell
After you finish dalaran heist. Can you pls go on with tombs of terror? I mean you didnt used all of the specific cards you get in ToT and heropowers.