Thijs Ashes of Outland Decklists:
Deckcode: Highlander Shaman — AAECAaoIHv8FsgaKB5AHrZEDipQDxZkDxpkD2p0DpaED/KMDhKcDkKcDua0Du60D/q4Dqq8D0K8DgbEDkbED27ID47QDhLYD27gD3bgDk7kDl7kDmLkD08ADk8IDAAA=
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Video Editor: Strider
#Hearthstone #AshesOfOutland #HighlanderShaman #Thijs
thanks for reading the weather for me in sweden!
Well in France we have a city that's called Condom so…yeah.
Hey guys…I'm begginer and i got some coins…Which card pack is best to buy ?
Thijs was too busy to report the weather that he missed the opportunity to play a 5/5 Cho.
everytime the code in the description is useless, so this is how you do things?
Missed leathal at 9:40
Cockermouth, not cockmouth.
I think the healing totem should heal face.
Did Earth Shock rotate or something? Zephrys seems to have forgotten it exists.
Wait, why does he get 2x stars till legend? Isn't it supposed to end at Diamond 5?
I actually recently pulled Bandersmosh. Is it worth keeping or should I disenchant it?
I Like your Videos😅😆😆😆
18:30 Zephrys is so frigin Pepega these days. Like if the card says it offers perfect card then it should at least fullfill the expectations of player. Like i coined zephrys turn two to get earthshock vs murgurgle and completely destroy all their comeback. Nah m9 here take a hungry crab. Ended up losing on turn 7 vs that murgurgle prime. Thx a lot zephega. (also how the fk do the pallies always draw the prime on curve?)
Almost thought Thijs is gonna say demon…hunter , I was about to unsubscribe XD
luck btw
2:35—2:41 rip his friendlist
Nice try, but Regis and Kibler already did it ✌🏼
11:30 lethal galakrond rush taunt X2 weapon face + zefrys + deal 3 ggs
Are we not talking about 21:00 when he tried to smack the Skull of Guldan card 😂
111:50 Galakrond was just lethal; two 8 8's with rush take down the double taunt, smack face with claw, zeph for 1-2 damage.
where is his girlfriend? did she left him?