More new cards are revealed! Many more Legendaries!
Cards in this review:
00:05 — Devout Pupil
02:11 — Keymaster Alabaster
03:59 — Jandice Barov
04:26 — Pen Flinger
05:40 — Runic Carvings
07:24 — Fluffy Firestarter
08:42 — Adorable Infestation
10:38 — Gift of Luminance
11:59 — Turalyon, the Tenured
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Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
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#Scholomance #Hearthstone #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool decks, this is the channel for you!
INSANE NEW CARDS! Dual-Class Legendary & More!! — Scholomance Academy — Hearthstone Expansion
First! Looks good! Which classes are looking strong with this new release?
Devout Pupil is soooo good for Librams 😍
Looks like Paladin won't be trash anymore with the new expansion. Nice!
I already hate Jandice, cause I know there will be situations where my opponent gets 1 or 2 Convincing Inflitrators 😠
libram paladin is gonna be a tier 1 deck
Faster than Regis?
If you have the Coin you can save it for turn 10 and combo Keymaster Alabaster with new DH spell Glide (it has to be outcast ofc) for draw 8, and get some cheap stuff from your opponent's deck, it is meme but I'm gonna try it for sure 😁
Spell damage mage seems really cool
Alabaster is an interesting tech choice if every deck is running Polkelt. Polkelt is pretty low-tempo so you probably have time to play Alabaster in response and then you guaranteed get a 1 mana copy of their highest card.
0 mana Sunwalker
0 mana Sunwalker
Alabaster is a cool card but even exotic mountseller is a better 7 drop
Paladin really needs a card that makes the opponent play around it and a little scared for nonpredictable stuff. Other classes can make big shenanigans, but pala just buff his shit and the enemy don't even complain of it coz they can freeze, silence, take control , Meiev, poison stuff, zephrys, and go face, then your super big play just get blocked basically for 1 enemy card.
We went from UIs to AIs, when is Skynet coming for us.
I gave up this shitty game, play Legends of Ruanterra way better card game
Adorable infestation is great with mount seller!
First card is getting nerfed lol
Am I the only one who stays for the music at the end of the video?
Keymaster will be good in wild
Me who loves pure libram pally, sees new card: oh yeah it’s all coming together
How is luminance nutty? It’s barely better than the 1 mana 2/1 give a minion divine shield and it’s 2 more mana
With Gift of Luminance, that could be nutty with Unsleeping Soul? Just unsleeping soul the 1/1 and bam, you have two minions at full stat value,
insane brah those might get you some chicks. did you get the queen of hearts, I got that one. I'd trade it for a GF any day though… once i saw some sexy lady cards in my dads drawer. that was legedery those were legendrie times, almost saw side boob at the beach..
Man looking at all the meh paladin Legendaries we have had since RoS makes me sad. Everything is just utter garbage compared to other classes. Someone on Reddit was saying how if the new 8 drop just had Windfury it would actually be good. And damn if they weren't on the nose with that. Why must Blizzard make our boy Uther suffer 🙁
72.5k subs, if you double that, that’s 145k.
If you do a good job I’m subbing.
libram paladin needs more threats not another defensive card.
Fluffy Firestarter is just 2 basic totems combined.
Keymaster Alabaster + that Demon Hunter shuffle card 😉
Jandice Barov is a nerf to Apexis Blast 🙁
I wonder if there is decent deathrattle minion that cost 5 for jandice barrov to summon, i'd definitely choose that minion to die
Gift of luminence allows paladin to duplicate vargoths, and in my book, that makes it a quality card 😀
What if all the cards from scholomance is actually solo adventure cards but they accidentally mixed the that with the original cards.
Opponent plays polkelt, rearranges deck in highest to lowest. Play Alabaster, get their highest cost card in deck for 1!