IS MAGTHERIDON GOOD?? Crazy-Good Enrage Control Warrior Runs It! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

This cool Warrior list from Fibonacci combines Control Warrior and Enrage Warrior in a wonderful way. It’s got the Risky Skipper Battle Rage engine you know alongside absurd control tools like Magtheridon! And it wins a ton!

Deck Level: Powerful
Guide to Deck Levels:

0:00 Intro
0:22 Game 1
16:12 Game 2

#AshesOfOutland #OutlandDecks #Hearthstone

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | IS MAGTHERIDON GOOD?? Crazy-Good Enrage Control Warrior Runs It!


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28 thoughts on “IS MAGTHERIDON GOOD?? Crazy-Good Enrage Control Warrior Runs It! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. Hey folks, trying the deck discussion overlaying the beginning of the gameplay again. Still looking for feedback, so let me know what you think!

  2. Regis you have gotten me through this quarantine I'm telling you man. We're kindred spirits. You keep me laughing everyday and I watch your videos while I play hearth stone because none of my friends play hearth stone unfortunately, so you have for real have been my buddy when i need one. Thanks for all you do bro!! Downloading twitch soon to catch you live!

  3. If someone silences the 1/1 does it not count? Or is it just where it reads that the minion name has died so it ticks? Can someone answer this?

  4. i occasionally get mag off of nether walker but i only take it if ive got chaos nova to follow it up but its really stoopid if you get lucky

  5. I gotta be honest, I really don’t care for the intro of you introducing the decks. I would instead recommend placing the description of the deck in a pinned comment, allowing curious players to read about it without making others sit through it. Plus, it’s just writing and you don’t have to use up time filming it.
    No offense intended, love ya!

  6. 9:45 Wait… I thought you couldn't get invoke cards from card generation. I'm assuming that's switched off if your hero is Galakrond then, first time I noticed that.

  7. Cards keep getting better and have more stats, but 12/12 is still the go to for a really big minion

  8. I Live for these intros, I mean Tony stark/ Kelidan and now this? you outdo yourself every video sir

  9. Damn that hunter, i hate players who spend their gqme emoting. I'm sure he must be a priest main spaming "Wow !" and "Thank you !".

  10. In game one you missed a full clear. Trading the warmaul challenger into brann instead, then playing the lackey, hitting brann with livewire lance, and playing the lackey from it.

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