Hey guys! Allergies started to kick in again… I am thinking if I switch streaming to later hours because my allergies are not that strong at later hours of the day. I’ve been playing some demon hunter lately and missing my priestess PepeHands.. I’ve tried to make the most optimal list for my taste and I think I did it. Vulpera is pretty decent as well as mana saber since all other demon hunter cards got gutted and don’t feel like playable cards anymore. I’ve changed the list in the video to more optimal one that is down below. Hope you enjoy the video and good luck on ladder!
Deck code: AAECAea5AwSloQPMugPDvAPaxgMN/acD+a4DhLYDi7oD17sDxLwD4LwDjb0D1r4D2cYD98gD+cgD/sgDAA==
I stream every day over on www.twitch.tv/viper__hs come say hi!
Follow me on my socials below for more updates about streaming and best deck lists!
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