Jaraxxus Control Warlock | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

Sac Pact nerfed? Jaraxxus time.


Deck Code: AAECAf0GCMUEiQbcBvCsA622A9a5A+W+A+6/AwvbBo0IxAjalgPlrAPrrAPsrAPurAO/uQO9vgPmvgMA

00:00 Deck
01:29 Face Hunter
09:21 Quest Warrior


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30 thoughts on “Jaraxxus Control Warlock | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. AAECAf0GCMUEiQbcBvCsA622A9a5A+W+A+6/AwvbBo0IxAjalgPlrAPrrAPsrAPurAO/uQO9vgPmvgMA

  2. I can’t believe they actually nerfed a 0 mana card that hasn’t seen play in over 2 years just because it was able to deal with a single one of their new power creep minions

  3. Jaraxxus was powercreeped the fuck outta this game like two years ago, Sac Pact was just sort of insult to injury for him.

    Also we better get a winrate number for this list because gat damn it almost lost to a quest warrior running the bad original kibler list and had almost unbelievably awful draw for like 12 turns in a row. And the other game was thrown by the idiot face hunter pissing his pants over a 2 health taunt when he had explosive up (plus he also had pretty unlucky draw rng tbh)

  4. 0:10 Chump, i'm pretty sure it's because of the c0rona situation we're having, so they decided to facilitate the work of obtaining her.

  5. HAHAH ohhh shit its my deck! Few differences, dont own valdris, no sense demons that cards just bad, and I use the big 5/7 demon taunts that turn int 5/5 lifesteals, makes way more sense with Ebonlocke. You don't wanna return big demons if they don't have taunt. Your dead 95% of the time you return demons that don't have taunt by turn 8 in a meta where because of DH everything is hyper aggressive and way more than 30 damage available in the average deck.

  6. That was probably the worst quest warrior package I’ve seen in a while, I know you don’t want too many weapons in your deck but dude was still working on quest after turn 15

  7. 16:50 "Okay, Bladestorm is overpowered I get it"

    Flashback to a few day ago when Chump went out of his way to say that he's never played with a more disappointingly weak card than bladestorm. . .

  8. The face that there is a Hunter deck that is literally just a bunch of effects that target face is so fucking stupid. Why is that a thing?

  9. 11:35 I think an argument could be made to ignore the ogre. You have 2 8/8s with taunt so if he wants armor he is pretty much taking 16 damage for it if you go face. I don't think a Hack the System deck is going to run like Plague of Wrath to punish you.

    He had Brawl in hand, but if he wants to Brawl then trading is the worse play since his chance of winning is small.

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