Two new Scholomance Academy cards have been revealed, including Kel’Thuzad and a new Mage spell! Here are my detailed thoughts and star ratings for each new card.
Quick Reviews: 5:42
#ScholomanceReviews #ScholomanceAcademy #RegisKillbin
Card Review | Hearthstone | Scholomance Academy Card Review #4
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Kel’thuzad is a win more card. Really awkward to use, you will probably need to use it with a shield slam or shadow word death. You could probably tempo it out since it does have a decent body but will need to commit the next spell to kill something. Seems fringe playable at best imo.
Two Questions:
1. Can it summon itself?
2. Does that mean the Spellburst resets?
Pretty soon there’s going to be a 1 mana — deal 30 damage to the opposing hero spell
All these coin comments…. spellburst activates after the minion is IN PLAY. Play coin before minion and you’re fine. -.-
how bad kel would be with the rouge recruitment contract
I have a feeling it will be a game breaking card or severely underwhelming
I can already see Mark making a mechathun otk with this card
What happens if you play Kel’thuzad, then play fungal fortune and hit 3 minions. Will they be summoned?
How does this work with Defile?
Kel'Thuzad + Shadow Word ruin
Kel'Thuzad + Brawl
Imagine winning a brawl leaving your headmaster kel’thuzad as the last thing on the board then just filling up on all the minions that both you and your opponent had
It says summons them, not summon them to your side….
If the headmaster dies during the aoe will it then be summoned back and all other, twistingnether in mind
Question: HMK->DEFILE . . . do 1/1s just keep popping and spawning? Just until HMK dies? Or end once with the first defile and then not again?
How would Kel’Thuzad work with secrets like Flameward or Vaporize?
Odd warrior is interested. Shield slam, and reckless flurry looking good
Blast from the past. Holy water 😂
This is really broken… Priest players should be in heaven, Druid players are dead.
This game should be, prieststone ir rngstone. No matter How powerfull the minion, the Op removal cards from prist or Warriors make short work of then. I try to give another chance to this game, but is Impossible.
New cards been revealed
He looks wayyy too slow for me. 5 mana 4/6 is pretty bad, and combining him with spells is slightly harder to do than imaginable.
ah yes, Cataclysm time
Defile with deathrattles…
How does Kel'Thuzad work with cards like Plague of Flames? Will it summon your opponents minion(s) and your own, or will the effect not trigger before Kel'Thuzad dies?
totally agree
Headmaster is going to be annoying in rez priest. Warlocks will also find some demon to Sac Pac alongside Headmaster, which I'm also looking forward to.
Anytime someone mentions a card not being as good as possible because it requires another card to work properly its just a headscratcher. Like, combo decks exist.
Welcome to the control meta boys.
So Combustion with Spell damage would means it has +3x spell damage?
Maly as example, deal 9 dmg to a 5hp and then again 9 to adjacents or 4 if the spell damage doesnt count.
I'm intrigued
Kelthuzad + plague of flames = I steal your board and resummon mine
Edited just saw the comment that said he needs to survive. That suckz
You can also destroy your own minions and resummon them. Keep an eye on demons and deathrattles
Quest warlocks new toy basically
When you put this card in Highlander and have no combo for it, you could still play it as a taunt right?
Its gonna be bad
I will certainly Maiev my own Kel'thuzad so i can concede with style 2 turns later.
i can already see people doing kel-coin-blizzard then look confused
this card is nuts! can't wait to craft it for my priests decks
KT could work for deathrattle warlock as well, kill ur own minion
How would Kel'Thuzad interact with plage of flames I wonder..
what happened to the audio :c
Why you have a shitty sound on this video and your other one your sound is good?
How does this work with brawl??? Does the spellburst still get triggered??
Mememaster Kel'Thuzad
Headmaster + Plauge of Flames galakrond warlock would be op
Tempo thuzad on turn 5 pog
i hope you read this. as i saw combustion i got the idea of a minion you can place on the opponents side of the board for mage thats not only usable with combustion. maybe something like a 2 mana 1 1 that reads "placable on your opponents board. deathrattle: deal 2 damage to adjacent minions" or something, so you can ping it off aswell, but synergizes nice with combustion or rolling firball. id like to hear your opionion on something like that