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‣ Edited by: jnZaneHD
‣ Contact: jnzanehd@gmail.com
I feel like the math on Kel'Thuzad doesn't add up. You know that kill spells cost mana too, right? It's not a 5 mana 8/9. It's a two card 5 + x mana 8/9.
the outro is amazing art
The new outro hits hard.
I can't wait to see Kel'thuzad survive a turn into a board wipe.
6:20 I'm predicting that that's a completely incorrect prediction
What is the name of the outro music?
I really don't like the Flesh Giant — there's already 'Giant Flesh Golem' in Warcraft lore 😡 — why not use that?… — it even looks nicer
I know that it does not conform to 'XYZ Giant' naming convention, but the card design is just ugly :x…
Took me a sec to place the Wizard of Legend music. Good game.
Hey guys just take a look on this battlegrounds video
didn't we already have multi class cards from the gadgetzan update? they seemed kind of gimmicky then, and they still seem kind of gimmicky now.
I like the Wizard of Legend Background music, kinda fitting
1 star
That Hotline Miami tune!!
Brawl + Kel'Thuzad = The M.A.D man
Not a native speaker. Do you think Headmaster Kel'Thuzad text should read "If a spell…"?
Wait, I just realized, what if you had kel'thuzad on board and kill your opponent as jaraxxus? Do you get a jaraxxus?
the fact that head master Kel´Thuzad can kill summon your own minions is so stupidly strong
you are such a great person! thank you for your energy, wisdom, and content!!! You Dope!!!
is that
is that freaking kel thuzad
Interesting how "Disciplinarian Grandling" function very similarly like "Overgrown Snapvine" from Runeterra, except one of those card isn't a legendary and much easier to obtain.
The wizard of legend music fits this set so well oh my god
All of these dual priest/warlock cards seem much much better for the Warlock.
Kel thuzad plus a 0 or 1 mana cost 8/8 flesh giant then shadow flame it so it deal 8 dmg to the whole board, it will respawn and give you the whole oppenent's board
"To remind you about spellburst…" continues not explaining spellburst.
Kel'Thuzad + Brawl?
Disciplarian egglock is gonna be so cancer
kelthuzad into maly flamestrike dream play
Kel thuzad plus calling is really scary.