Kel’Thuzad Secret interactions New Mage hero with the pre purchase for scholomance academy hearthstone expansion — Kel’Thuzad. Let’s see Kel’Thuzad’s animations and emotes/sound effects
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i just like the music of Kel'Thuzad so i left it enjoy
Anything happen if u play lich king card?
Is there a special interaction for fighting hero kelthuzad against naxxramas kelthuzad?
This KT sounds… edgier than the one we got back in Naxx. I don't like him as much. I liked the funny skeleton
I played with so many who has this hero but no one was emoting. Even though i was emoting to have them emote back. FUCK THOSE KIND OF PLAYERS. and thank you for showing me.
I really want to be one expansion with Arthas and KT together… I have the Arthas portrait 😂
The dialogue is not in the video when he completes Uldum's mission.
I love that they gave him so many unique spell/hero encounter lines. I wish they put as much effort into the other hero portraits too.
3:39 when u face demon hunters
Ok story inconsistency question. This is Scholomance era KT — pre WC3 events. He still MAGE and not NecromancerLich, so should be still be HUMAN. Why is he in his Lich form? I understand that from hero portrait point view- KT Lich is way cooler than KT Human, but still…
how did you get the sorry emote?
This is a way better review then the one other, way bigger youtubers did, props man!