KEL'THUZAD VS SOLARIAN & MOROZOND!! Thief Rogue is RIDICULOUS! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

While trying to build a Transfer Student Quest Rogue that had some fun with Plague generation, I accidentally stumbled into this absolutely bonkers game. I wanted to concede a few minutes in, and I had virtually zero chance to win throughout, but the burgle gods decided to give me a chance!

Decklist: AAECAZvDAwSPlwOnqAPBrgP7xAMNr5EDkJcD+5oD/poDoaED9acDragDt64DzLkDzrkD0LkDub4Dw8wDAA==
Deck Level: Fun
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#AshesOfOutland #Highlights #RegisKillbin

Highlight | Hearthstone | KEL’THUZAD VS SOLARIAN & MOROZOND!! Thief Rogue is RIDICULOUS!


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29 thoughts on “KEL'THUZAD VS SOLARIAN & MOROZOND!! Thief Rogue is RIDICULOUS! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

  1. By the end of the game, I honestly forgot which class you were playing. You pulled a puzzle box with all priest spells and then had 5 mage cards in your hand. Not to mention you weren’t even the hero you started out as and no longer had your completed quest.

  2. RNG clown fiesta. Sadly thats what standard Hearthstone is nowadays. No skill involved. At least there is battlegrounds tho 😉

  3. I just wanna make sure I saw this right. The opponent got a Nine Lives in the second puzzle box, which triggered Solarian's deathrattle without adding it to their hand because it was full and that's how the opponent got another Solarian Prime, yes?

  4. Listen, I don't like to be that guy, but you misspelled Murozond in the title.

  5. That game was good, but it was not as good as a specific priest matchup involving lorewalker cho and a certain priest 2/3.

  6. Love how you point out that disagreement isn’t a bad thing. It fosters curiosity and discussion, exploration and thought. Kudos!

  7. The way Regis tells spammers "you don't even understand your own point, let alone mine," is a masterclass in calm.

  8. I got to be honest I hate all the random Mage effects and what they do to the game, so that was just plain Justice for me! Don't get me wrong there fun to play but they're very not fun to play against and they are way too consistent for all the ways to cheat and duplicate them

  9. Also that game was one for the records! We need a fatigue control Quest rogue that just shuffles in a million of your opponent's best card! I'll get right on that

  10. In wild I found that the quest is actually legit: You have a better weapon then Odd Rogue after a couple turns and you have not the downside of “only odd”. I was able to climb quite high before switching to Highlander Hunter

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