MAD Plot Twist Quest Warlock! | Standard | Hearthstone

Another madman created Plot Twist Quest Warlock and I am eager to try it out!

Deck Code: AAECAf0GCLQDxQTbBtwG66MDkbED87cD7r8DC84HxAjalgPamwOhoQO7pQPlrAPrrAPsrAPtrAPpvgMA


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♬ Kevin MacLeod
♬ Ronald Jenkees


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44 thoughts on “MAD Plot Twist Quest Warlock! | Standard | Hearthstone

  1. "I'll just push the button and force myself to play whatever I draw" or you could just not push the button are you insane

  2. Props for that Disgaea music! Fit in so well. Now I am going to go listen to Lahal again!

  3. Removing Sense Demons and Zephrys from the deck, sounds about right for Trump Laboratories. Sense Demon tutors for the core cards of this deck's entire strategy. Reliably drawing Mo'arg Artificer is a must. Zephrys actually ends up being a win condition for this deck. There is no way your changes improved the deck.

  4. No game vs Priest, thats the only one important, can it beat Priest, if not, its gonna be sub 50% cuz ladder has rigged matchmaking !

  5. Trump is really off his game lately…
    25:00 Loses a 3/3 for no reason
    6:00 Used the best removal for no reason on game one… and it came back to bite him when the opponent played Siamat. (Double Arasi was way better, setting up coil on the 5/5 and generating better presence on board)

    I just feel like Trump should be playing a bit of free to play decks to manage his resources better or somethimg :/

  6. Subs a card that literally won him his first game out for a card that is generally just worse in every way

    Ah, that's our Trump.

  7. Version that I saw was on Kibbler. His had Frizz, that dragon discount card. That way if you don't draw Malygos or Alextraza with Origination the then with Frizz you have seven cost legendaries and three cost crazed netherwings.

  8. I played against you when you were practing with this deck, Wolf6742, the match was close, that final double Soul Fire in the end wrecked me tho

  9. Really enjoyed seeing this deck. It's got a lot of cool synergies. I hope Trump does another video on it.

  10. Trump try the new brawl with Demon Hunter and Twin Slice + Outcast Sigil Runner + Battlefiend + Altruis, if they ban the Battlefiend you can OTK them with Altruis and 8 Twin Slices (but can usually kill them by turn 4 or 5 if you hit face a few times with the Sigil Runners / hero power)

  11. I’ve been playing a fun decent one I threw together that dosent use the OTK finisher but chef nomi and the add 10 cards to your deck 7/7. Trying to push it to legend

  12. Now THIS is the type of deck I like to see Trump play. One that is very difficult to master and shows his foresight and mathematics abilities. Well done!

  13. Nice, love the FF6 soundtrack here, especially since has to do with the one of the best video game villains ever: Kefka. 😛

  14. I have a quest deck that works preaty well but, somethings missing there because of the healing.

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