The goal of this Hearthstone Standard Thief Priest OTK combo deck is to use Octosari combined with Lorewalker Cho! We do this by playing Cho and Mindgames. Then, the opponent plays the Mind games summoning Octosari! Then, we Grave Rune and Shadow Word Death the Octosari. Finally, we play Shadow Word Ruin to force the opponent to draw 24 cards! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
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Brendan Long
Orlando Lizarraga
Joe Smith
Alyssa Guerrero
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Deck Code:
#Hearthstone #OTK #AshesOfOutland
You could say it was a CHO stopper!
LoL that Cho game, I thought I was watching WoWHobbs channel for a minute 🙂
The answer is simple “you concede.”🕴🏿
You always have the best combos
But this might be my favorite
Want to watch this not in mirror matchup
The honesty almost killed me:
What do you do when you draw Octosari?
You concede.
Look at those Cho stats :O
oh god…the deck title…very nice
you could not have got more lucky on that 1st game…cool combo
why not use embalming ritual on octosari to summon 4/5 octosari?
Using mind games as an actual mind game tricking the opponent
Thats perfect 🙂 … i wish tho there was some more games (where oponent was not priest) … it deserved atleast one more 😉
I don’t know if they said it in an official statement somewhere…but gifting us Nimsy when we are prevented from gathering by COVID is kinda a sweet gesture.
This is the funniest combo I’ve ever seen
that is some degenerate shit lmao. I love it.
That moment when you watch a Mark video and it turns into a Hobbs video. X3
Oh, the Horror!
I just realised baleful banker rotated 🙁
Did anyone ever told you, you sound and look like kermit the frog?
Mark: Have you ever heard a Cho attack?
Wowhobbs viewers: Only about a million times….
"It was a Cho-show after all."
14:05 You could have mass dispelled then grave rune one of the chow. You would stop the madness for now so you can actually draw card and assemble your combo, while at the same time keep a bomb on the field so you can bring back cho when you needed it to give the mindgame.
okay so the idea of the deck is to give the opponent enough rope to hang him self
octosari not sorry lol
that second round with the 3/12 Cho's. playing tennis with renew. little moments like that are really wholesome and broken at the same time
Who need Cho when OP steal your mind game theirselves.
Why are you looking for cards with a full hand?
Probably one of the dumbest decks I ever see… #crappyhearthstone
Of course.
"Every time you cast a spell, give your opponent 3 copies of it" sounds like a tavern brawl waiting to happen
18:54 Me too Galakrond, me too
That echo on "ALRIGHT, WHO'S THIRSTY?" tho
The first opponent helped you too much hahahah LOL
Какая же это глина.)
Best Hearthstone content on YT
you can just host a fireside gathering of one person
that second game was hilarious cho- inception
So, you must draw Cho to win. . .but if your draw Octosari at any time. . .you lose. . .
if your opponent gives you a card, you should probably not play it.
im sorry but your high pitched hyena like laugh make you unwatchable IMO. fun deck tho.
Built this deck, fuck it I had Octosari already, took 6 games to pull the combo off, but I had won 2 games just stealing cards/minions haha. I got BM'd as well when they pulled my Octosari
Is it good? Should I craft octasari for this?
He has the Colosseo in the profile pic, is he from torre spaccata?
Pe me è de tor tre teste
Awesome deck, awkward guy
My favorite combos require your opponent to play a card that you gave them.
18:50 self o.t.k lol
You can give it reborn also for extra 8