Making a BAD Card Secretly OP! Mortuary Machine OTK Combo! | Hearthstone

The goal of this Hearthstone Handlock Warlock OTK combo deck is to use Mortuary Machine combined with Treachery and Kobold Sandtrooper! We do this by playing Summoning Portal, Mortuary Machine, Treachery, Baron Rivendare, double Kobold Sandtrooper, Prince Taldaram, and Defile for the 36 damage OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!

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Special thanks for supporting the channel:
Brendan Long
Alyssa Guerrero
Bagus Tuladanny

Deck Code:

#Hearthstone #OTK #ScholomanceAcademy


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23 thoughts on “Making a BAD Card Secretly OP! Mortuary Machine OTK Combo! | Hearthstone

  1. Blizard : So i create a card that so bad that definitely no want to play that

    Mark : Alright Deck Intro Time…

    Blizard : Wait That's Illegal

  2. On a completely unrelated note, I know the card isn't out yet but I expect you to make Pen Flinger OTK work

  3. Could you please upload one of these videos that does not have the needed cards as the very last card in your deck? 😛

  4. 22:20 great combo, and nice to see you make use of bad cards AND blizzard spaghetti code. He should have been full health after the combo finished if they coded that differently lol!

  5. Hey Mark, one thing I've always wondered, do you play on NA or EU?

  6. Had a crazy combo thought and I didn't know if you had tried it yet. Cho -> Explore Ungoro -> Saboteur -> Skulking Geist -> Elysiana. It is not an OTK but seems convoluted enough. 🙂 Could speed up death with a few Coldlights.

  7. You can flick your own minion, I think it was Dane made a deck for flicking his own mechathun to break the opponents mechathun

  8. With the new card revealed today, o hope you'll create the some more awezome combos !

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