Making MENAGERIE MADNESS PLAYS! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds } Savjz

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27 thoughts on “Making MENAGERIE MADNESS PLAYS! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds } Savjz

  1. Skipping that Brann because it was too late felt so bad, he went full battlecry after that.

  2. My last few days have been a void, with no purpose.

    Now I am complete.

  3. Savjz: nothing wrong with dabbing guys
    Savjz wife: better be ironic dabbing I hear
    Savjz: IRONIC DABBING come on guys

  4. i like the background music, but it is a tiny bit loud for me using headphones.

  5. This was the best game of the day? Very sloppy (but even slow) plays, tough for me to watch, I think he got lucky with a weak lobby there

  6. I hate that you have to pay now yo have 4 options. Completely ruined the game for me

  7. Knee cam the whole time, near the beginning you get a shot of his balls and ass whilst he's spreading his legs, unfortunately he's pretty much the only Hearthstone streaming regularly enough to watch

  8. What do you guys think about Tier 7 minions that can only be get via triple 6 tier minions? (discover)

  9. As much as i enjoy the background music, i think it's a little disruptive when trying to hear what you are saying and to follow the thought process that lead you to specific picks.

  10. what's wrong with that epic background song? it really doesn't fit Savjz talking normally and Battlegrounds

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