MAMA + LUCK = GODMODE - Hearthstone Battlegrounds

Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Luck was on my side on this day.
Kripp’s Hearthstone Stream ⭐

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20 thoughts on “MAMA + LUCK = GODMODE — Hearthstone Battlegrounds

  1. Just did this twice yesterday, but if you dont hit that 3rd mama it takes at least a Galdren triple+ baron to make it beasts these days.

  2. I watched this live and pissed off my gf with a very loud "WOW!" during THE TURN.

  3. Kripp, could be playing a 50 minute game: “omg cobalt is it too late for mech?” Like if you get to 10 gold and already focused on a winning build… why does that even come up as a question?

  4. I’m very slow but just yesterday I was playing rafaam and I got all 6 Mama Bears in the pool. Deadass was collecting the infinity bears and then snapped everyone out of the game

  5. Just played a deathrattle build and nuked my last enemy with a 41 bomb outta this world

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