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Love the uploads right when I get off work 😀
Slyssserino Kripperino
Why u dont cut ur videos?
I did a double light fang menagerie, with bronze wardens, cobalt, egg, harvest, and a golden sensei. I ended up with the biggest golden harvest I've ever seen. I love how Almalgedon can fit into every late game build and make menagerie great again.
Slyss, two questions: what city here in scalding AZ were you from and has nobody offered to edit your videos? (Not a dig on your editing! Just because you said you did the last one in a hurry.)
Would Maiev still be viable if her hero power did not buff the dormant minion?
Hey slysssa, love your vids, do you think bran is op?
Hahaha that stoner laugh was to good.
Red hair?… I think jet black. Your eyes would pop out
Why keep the dragon divine shield though? Could have let that go for lightfang pair right?
Oh my….
Oh my