It is Linecracker or 2.5k armor Druid but I thought calling it Metapod Druid makes more sense
Deck Code:
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hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter
#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem
it was super effective!
Trippie Redd WutFace
Why Dekkster is eating that flower? XDDD
bro how did you go from legend 2 to plat 9? The guy who manually gives ranks must really dislike you now!
Finished top 200 3 months on a row with that deck type
sips tea ah yes, a Solem.
16:10 there were like 2 different way to kill him
Also the Dragonmaw Paocher is a 4/4 rush that gains +4/+4!
Yay, recorded before the Fortunes nerf.
Tyrande and Malfurion have been lovers for thousands of years
Illidan was a massive simp for Tyrande and all the rejection he gpt from her pushed him into becoming a demon hunter incel extraordinaire
Metapod "The Blue one!"
Why dont people just put in jade idols in this deck so that fatigue doesnt hurt
View count
Metapog is pink pepega
I am german and I think about bread the hole day
That Skulking Geist came on just in time.
Not even Jade smh be more boring
No you can't just destroy my armor. Haha plate breaker goes brrrrr…
Today I punched through a line breaker Druid deck
i play platebreaker
17:23 maybe come chill with chonker?
You saying you'd vote for Kanye is just uneducated and plain stupid. Think about what would happen if Trump supporters still vote for Trump and undecided voters split between Biden and Kanye… Trump would win
Makes me wonder whether big streamers have something to filter out emotes, as they sometimes respont to people and have discussions.
now do linecracker druid but also give them a platebreaker somehow
But does this mean that Solem looks at all of his youtube comments?
Solem: You don't play counter cards except for rat.
Me: but i like geist, golakka, eater of secrets and so on. 🙁
I still remember the time I beat this deck with discolock
you actually didnt mess it uo, because if yo uattacked first your minion would have died cause of the missing +1+1 x2 due too earthen scales
I was at diamond level rank 1, 3 stars, one win away from legend. i faced this deck. before the game, I was thinking "mechathun lock or quest mage"? i decided quest mage because I had a great run with it. i have been kicking myself all the way back to rank 3. #nooblyfe
"Platebreaker I choose you!!!"
"Laughs in mecha'thun"
Im here again!
Glad I'm not the only priest who runs Geist
Hey, Solem! What kind of Mic do you use?
This devk is litteraly the most boring shit to watch..
you know you can add elise to get danes version, it would beat every final board state except scaled dragon.
16:24 it is not a misplay, its a math test. How much armor did solem missout on?