Hearthstone Battlegrounds — Battlegrounds has been out for a while now, and power levels have increased… but Micromachine Pyramad still passes the test of time!
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#HearthstoneBattlegrounds #Kripp
Micromad fun fact: The tyrannus tyrannus bird, translating to “Tyrant Tyrant” is considerably smaller than a sparrow, but is most likely the most aggressive species of bird on earth. It will attack anything that enters a certain radius of its nest despite ridiculous differences in size, and when I say anything, I mean anything. They’ve been recorded trying to take down full size passenger planes.
does micromad hold up? SPOILERS
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Today's fact: The human nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
14 minute brigade
I disagree. I think it’s well under 10% his opponent kills nothing on turn 2.
There only was 25% for rafaam to steal nothing
Please complain more, more salt please. Jesus Christ
Murlocs are for winning, everything else is for placing top 4. Our boy Kripp is a winner that's why he plays Murlocs. Except here. He lost.
2:30 It wasn't 50% that Rafaam didn't kill anything. It was only 25%.
So Rafaam got his revenge by killing Yog after he already died? lmao
Why not play ride hunter on 4? I get not wanting to give rafaam double minion but I don't see why you didn't play it next turn.
Do not pray to RNGesus! Thou must Praise Yogg!
Man I miss the time when everyone was building mechs, when the games went at a steady pace
I started in unlimited. I’m old.
Take a shot every time kripp says "unlikely" or "they got lucky"
Hey hey hey , blunt guy again. Late but here
when is he playing the actual game again?
>complains about RNG all game
>Hero Power hits Micro Machine all game long, even with a full board of minions
kripp does not go afk in this video
7:30 why’d that pirate attack twice?
How did that guy get such an early mama bear?
I see you guys enjoys Kripparrian’s video very much. Maybe you like a different approach.
Video tittle: Cheap Deck Challenge( hearthStone)
Can we appreciate how symmetrical the guys stats were on the last match for the noz
Cannon buff make it into a mech ( mabey tear 6 if deathrattle & 10-10)
Blizzard really needs to reduce dmg dealt. Shouldn't be losing 99% of your health in one turn
More like BIG RED MACHINE amirite?
The little machine that could.
Can we get Kripp to 1 million subs already??
This video was 8 guys blowing 9 guys gay.
Who else just realized it’s named “Zola The Gorgon” because it’s GorgonZola 😂😂
"It was pretty even" 60% chance to lose