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Video Editor: Strider
#Hearthstone #MillRogue #Wild #Thijs
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Lots of people were asking for more mill rogue so I thought I'd take a few more highlights from those games about 5 or so days ago. To give you context on his rank, he played these games towards the beginning of his wild journey (also before he had played Mechathun Warlock as well). Hope that clarifies 🙂 Have a good day! -Editor
I'm guessing whoever wrote the title doesn't know that Mech Paladin is nowhere near a "meme" deck
I don’t know why but whenever Thijs exclaims with LUL I LUL
Thijs there is a combo where you fill the board to the opponent of dormant magtheridons.
Man this outro melody is so dark
Less than 3
Thijs, could you please play some Reno Mage on Wild mode??? xD
Love your wild content
If u like to play mill rogue, u have to try the version with Togwaggles plan, Arcane Giant and the rogue legy Tak
u can spam up to 30+, 0 mana 8/8s at the end of the game 😉
The last play was terrible… don't understand what does he thinking
Why is corsair cache still +1 +1 ?
Didn't enjoy the first 2 that much because i always hated mill. but I enjoyed the last match very much 🙂
Milling is cathartic. But only when you do it.
I wish people would stop asking why wild? Just toss a command in the chat for !wild
That's what RDU said 0:50 about battlegrounds and look at him now pepeLaugh jk, keep up with the good content btw I love watching both of you
There is nothing remotely meme-y about mech pala. Play green card and go face. Really super simple.
It's not a meme. It's an aggro deck. No idea what are you talking about.
Deck code please
It's funny to see someone playing standard deck in wild
I like his expression at the turn 4/5 lethal^^
21:00 xd
When did mech paladin become a meme lol
Mech paly such a degenerate deck