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Got a BONEr while watching this
Kinky, very kinky
I don't know where this idea came to be but mill your self rogue looks pretty good
Boning rolls?
I think you can OTK with Leroy. If you have the cube as a 1 cost 1/1 with the new legendary and then have the weapon prepped, though those aren’t particularly hard requirements when you’re drawing so well with Roll the Bones. The first Leroy connects for 6, cube it, hit face with weapon for 3 and get two Leroys, connecting for 12. Then backstab the cube and you get another 12. That’s 6 + 3 + 12 + 12, making 33. Unless I’ve missed something? 5 card combo.
2 mana: draw your entire deck, you should play mechathun rogue XD, who needs myra
if you anka a cube, and set up the weapon, umbra, leeroy, cube, pop the weapon is 35. requires a lot of set up and no taunts but 35 is a nice number into deathknights and such.
that was wild
2:11 its a weird trade to the untrained eye but when youre a megamind diamond/plat you know that burning a card is far more important than winning the game. a rookie call by dane tbh
Every deck Dane makes is filth. I love it.
Still don't understand why people play standard decks in Wild tf
My wish has been granted. Thank you kind sir
In that last game, why use the last two mana to play Hanar rather than Mad Scientist? They both clear a space in your hand, and Hanar might die without ever playing a secret.
12:26 silvername opened golden legendary Poggers
I guess it's pretty safe to say that this deck gave me a BONER
Dollmaster Dorian + Roll the Bones = Concede
Want more 1 Mana Druid, please.
me: drops reno on turn 6
Dane: waits a turn, gets 3 taunts and heals almost to full
Another idiot with a Standard Deck on Wild.
I like ur vids
Dane and Deathrattle together forever.
I’m low key disappointed now when a Dane video doesn’t begin with some sort of ridiculous role play
😱😱… 😳😳… 😵😵… 😮😮.. 🤓🤓.. 👌👌
hehey! there's a bone roller!
10:22 Imagine playing such a fair class that you can misplay a silence at high rank..
Вот так Димон, сидеть на глине XD
Thx Dane for deck, love rogue.
Fred Durst would be pleased that you want to keep rollin rollin rollin
does not like a dane video sadly
Is pirate druid a thing? What did i miss?
12:28 congrats to silver name for a golden soul mirror I guess
I'm a bit out of the loop, was Dane fighting against a fucking tree in his last match? Is the new druid hero a tree with eyes?
Where are the intros dane 🙁
Дмитрий миссплеит….
4:30 with Boar and Anubisath Warbringer or Southsea Deckhand, Umbra & Cube you can.
Wow the best deck
Can u do me a shout out plz
Roll the Bones —
Choose One: Draw one card or Draw 1/3 of my deck
Again but I still watch full video
I've missed Dane terribly so.
defender is such a good card
15:41 “well now he’s going to concede, which is very sad”
Dane has been running this game so long he knows what a concede board looks like haha
Leeroy -> 1 mana cube -> Prep -> Necrium vial is an otk I think
I just had a mirror match with this exact deck and it was such an amazing game. Thank you dane.
Ridiculous plays
Why not sneeds?