More new cards are revealed as the reveal season has finally started!
Cards in this review:
00:09 — Ace Hunter Kreen
01:59 — Mozaki, Master Duelist
04:03 — Ceremonial Maul
06:04 — Cabal Acolyte
08:18 — Flesh Giant
10:16 — Disciplinarian Gandling
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Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
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#Scholomance #Hearthstone #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool decks, this is the channel for you!
MORE LEGENDARIES, A NEW WEAPON & ANNOYING PRIEST CARDS — Scholomance Academy — Hearthstone Expansion
Blizzard apparently said the minions stolen with the Acolyte won't attack inmediately unless they have rush/charge.
Regarding the warrior/paladin weapon I think people are forgetting paladins libram of hope gets discounted making the weapon even more useless haha just thought I’d point that out
Maul is kinda decent with brawl, but You cannot coin it on 4 so it happens 2 turns later. 3 * felt perfect
ur missin the otk potential with mozaki, with 2 spellwing and 2 natural arcane missles and 2 frost bolts with a sorc, assuming empty board is 33 damage for 9 mana, throw in rays or magic tricks or devolve missiles and u can easily be doing 60+ dmg, if u ran an evocation for after u could find even more damage, rest of deck would be survival tools and cycle, in a slower meta spellkins with auctioneer cutting out secrets + flakmages would make sense, in an aggro meta tho you're gonna need those anti aggro tools with the flaks, the wards, the barriers, the ancient mysteries, doubt the deck will be amazing but i think it will be respectful and a lot of fun, and if there's any supporting cards to be released with the rest of the expansion it could become more viable
Gandling with rafaam’s scheme could be a hell of a play.
The 3 2/2 weapon + brawl is op
The better of this cards, is their base stats.
Ceremonial Maul +Dimensional Ripper/ Brawl. There are a lot of good use.
you have kt survive one turn. then you have this or discover it and cast cheap spells with a burst for 0 mana pyros
I'm surprised ace hunter kreen doesn't have 2/5 statline
Ceremonial Maul:
Dekkster: 3 stars
Dekkster after he realizes that it gkes in Ripper Warrior to summon an extra 10/10 taunt: 6 stars, amazing
Ceremonial Maul can combine with libram of hope for late game survival so I think it's decent?
soul mirror looking very nice against kreen
Mozaki will definitely be a combo deck, with a sorcerers apprentice, can easily build it up and then you cast evocation, get a spell or two off that for free then your at +4 or 5, kinda like mally but better
Hey Dekks, RegisKillbin stated that blizzard confirmed that the stolen minion won't be able to attack. So that makes it sooo much weaker.
Fresh specs? Watch? Confidence?
I've noticed this in multiple videos but when people look at the 'When your health changes' cards for Priest and Warlock that they seem to overlook the potential of not just Warlock self damage but also their healing. Warlocks tend to heal themselves quite often. So, warlocks really get the advantage of double dipping when it comes to those types of cards.
Mozaki is nuts…
Turn 9: Mozaki and the dude that makes a minion go dormant for 2 turns..
Turn 10: blizzard
Turn 11: Mozaki is back and u have 10 mana.. GG
u should be 95% favorite againt any priest deck and all control decks..
The fact that it was able to attack immediately was apparently a mistake.
Cabal acolyte… AWWWE COME ON MAN!! WTF?!
Make DH BrokekBack again SeemsGood
Haha a new giant! This is what i think i look like everyday.. cause im gaining some water weight.. 😢
Edit: suicide zoo warlock..!!
What about ripper warrior? play weapon one turn next turn ripper into a 10/10 on top of what ever else the ripper summons
How does brawl work with Ceremonial Maul?