More Reckless Combo Creation w/ Zananananan | Firebat Hearthstone | Ashes of Outland

Some more of this combo. It’s always good, even when it doesn’t work.
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Outro Song: Biggie by Albis


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25 thoughts on “More Reckless Combo Creation w/ Zananananan | Firebat Hearthstone | Ashes of Outland

  1. Great gameplay but… 3:55 if you grab a healthy taunt boy then breath then attack his weak taunt boy then your convincing kills injured convincing by attacking which procs deathrattle to kill yours which then procs to kill his.

  2. Good call on the shadow madness gives charge interaction. I totally forgot that was a thing.

  3. Oh dang after the Reckless Rocketeer combo, you should bring back the spirit of that Potion of Madness otk using the newly buffed Shadow Madness and some other stuff probably I don't know I stopped playing hearthstone a while ago

  4. I hate priest, but I love firebat, this gives me no choice but to watch the video… Lul

  5. I was about to be REAL disappointed if they missed that obvious lethal at the end. I was sitting here trying to figure out how that last turn took longer than 4 seconds.

  6. I personally played a Highlander Priest ditto match. 47 minutes just for my opponent to Galakrond Guile into the new priest legendary and blow me out the water. I'm saying one fatigue tick away and I woulda won. Alas that's my punishment for playing Priest.

  7. never heard zanananananananan in a video, gotta say he seems quite chill and fun, i approve

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